Practice 4

library(genefilter) # for rowttests
Attaching package: ‘genefilter’

The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


Exericse 0

Using base graphics, make a 2 x 2 grid for plotting.

Top left - Generate 100 random numbers from a t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom - Plot a normalized histogram (i.e. area sums to 1) with 8 breaks - Overlay a smoothed density estimate (using density) in orange - Overlay the true density estimate (using dt) in red - Add a rug

Tor right - Using the iris data set, make a scatter plot of Sepal length agaisnt Sepal width. Color the points by Species. - Add your own title and x and y lables

Bottom left - Generate 100 numbers from a Poisson distribution with rate = 3 - Plot a bar chart showing the counts for each value

Bottom right - Make a box and whiskers plot of the 4 numeric variables in the iris data set - Show vertical labels for all Species names - Adjust the margins so that the labels are visible using the mar (bottom, left, top, right) parameter. You can see the default values with par()$mar. Remember to restore the orignal parameters at the end.

Save the plot as a Portable Neetwork Graphics (png) file.

x <- rt(100, df=5)
hist(x, breaks = 8, probability = TRUE)
lines(density(x), col="orange")
xp <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 50)
lines(xp, dt(xp, df=5), col="red")
plot(iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Sepal.Length, col=iris$Species,
     main="Scatter by Iris species", ylab="Length", xlab="Width")
n <- rpois(100, lambda = 3)
orig <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
boxplot(iris[,1:4], las=2)
pdf: 2

Exercise 1

  • Use the ggplot function
  • Create a scatter plot with Rail on the x-axis and travel on the y-axis.
  • CHange the title to “I made this!”
  • Change the y-axis label to be “Zero-force travel time (nano-seconds)”
  • Change the size of the points to 5
  • Change the color of potins to blue and transparency to 0.5
  • Add a simple linear regression line to the plot with 90% confidence intervals
ggplot(Rail, aes(x=as.numeric(Rail), y=travel)) +
geom_point(size=5, color="blue", alpha=0.5) +
geom_smooth(method="lm") +
labs(title="I made this", ylab="Zero-force travel time (nano-seconds)")

Exercise 2

Here we will try to replicate the noise discovery heatmaps shown in the statistics class.


n <- 20 # number of subjects
m <- 20000 # number of genes
alpha <- 0.005 # significance level

# create a matrix of gene expression values with m rows and 2*n columns
M <- matrix(rnorm(2*n*m), m, 2*n)

# give row and column names
rownames(M) <- paste("G", 1:m, sep="")
colnames(M) <- paste("id", 1:(2*n), sep="")

# assign subjects inot equal sized groups
grp <- factor(rep(0:1, c(n, n)))

# calculate p-value using t-test for mean experession value of each gene
pvals <- rowttests(M, grp)$p.value

# extract the genes which meet the specified significance level
hits <- M[pvals < alpha,]
  • Use pheatmap to plot a heatmap
  • Remove the row names (Use tAB or R’s built-in help to figure out to do this)
  • Use this color palette to map expression values to a red-blakc-green scale colorRampPalette(c("red3", "black", "green3"))(50)
pheatmap(hits, show_rownames = FALSE, color = colorRampPalette(c("red3", "black", "green3"))(50))
a1 <- 1
a2 <- 2
sigma1 <- 25
sigma2 <- 25

subject <- paste("PID", rep(1:2, each=5))
dose <- rep(seq(10, 100, 20), 2)
geneA <- a1 * dose + rnorm(length(dose), sd=sigma1)
geneB <- a2 * dose + rnorm(length(dose), sd=sigma2)

df <- data.frame(subject=subject, dose=dose, geneA=geneA, geneB=geneB)
1PID 110-3.367338-31.18716
2PID 13054.0361391.78636
3PID 15022.40099124.477
4PID 17073.61274111.6039
5PID 19084.05749188.5058
6PID 210-13.6317912.04911
7PID 23040.0347257.40407
8PID 25064.9874779.04738
9PID 27091.22307147.4357
10PID 29070.94818166.8696

Exercise 3

Using ggplot2, plot gene expression agaisnt does, using differnt colors for differetn genes and differnet shapes for different subjects. (Hint: The reshape2 library may come in useful)

md <- melt(df, id=c("subject", "dose"))
1PID 110geneA-3.367338
2PID 130geneA54.03613
3PID 150geneA22.40099
4PID 170geneA73.61274
5PID 190geneA84.05749
6PID 210geneA-13.63179
7PID 230geneA40.03472
8PID 250geneA64.98747
9PID 270geneA91.22307
10PID 290geneA70.94818
11PID 110geneB-31.18716
12PID 130geneB91.78636
13PID 150geneB124.477
14PID 170geneB111.6039
15PID 190geneB188.5058
16PID 210geneB12.04911
17PID 230geneB57.40407
18PID 250geneB79.04738
19PID 270geneB147.4357
20PID 290geneB166.8696
ggplot(md, aes(x=dose, y=value, color=variable, shape=subject)) +

Exercise 4

Usign ggplot2, make a grid of plots with separae colummsn for each subject and separate rows for each gene. Vary the color and size by the gene expression value. Add a linear regression fit with 95% confidence intervals to each plot.

ggplot(md, aes(x=dose, y=value, color=value)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
geom_smooth(method="lm") +
facet_grid(variable ~ subject)