Generalized Linear Models

Recall the linear model

\[y = \alpha + \beta x + \epsilon\]

Linear models are appropriate where the response variable (\(y\)) is continuous and the errors (\(\epsilon\)) are normally distributed. Many experimental designs (for example, case-control) have categorical outcomes and/or outcomes whose errors are not normally distributed. Often, these experiments may be modeled with a more general category of models called ‘generalized linear models’ (or GLMs).

To understand GLMs, we need to be more precise about what our linear regression is actually doing. We are really saying:

\[y = \mu + \epsilon\]

or equivalently

\[\mathbb{E}(Y|x) = \mu = \alpha + \beta x\]

That is, our model is specifying the conditional expectation of observations \(Y\) on the idependent variable \(x\). In particular, that expectation is linear.

What Happens When \(\mathbb{E}(Y|x)\) is Not Linear?

A natural question to ask is: Can we find a function of the expectation that is linear? We would like this function to be invertible, so that we are really just transforming things. The answer is ‘yes’ - if - we assume that \(Y\) has a distribution that is part of the ‘exponential family’.

This family has the following form (note - this is vector notation)

\[f_Y(y|\theta) = h(y) g(\theta)exp(\eta(\theta)\cdot T(x))\]

Kinda ugly, but also pretty general. Note that the normal distribution is in this family! So is the binomial, negative binomial, Poisson, Gamma,...


Suppose our outcome variable \(Y\) has a distribution in the exponential family. We need an invertible function \(g\) so that:

\[\mathbb{E}(Y|x) = \mu = g^{-1}(\alpha + \beta x)\]


Because when we apply \(g\) to the expectation:

\[g(\mu) = g(g^{-1}(\alpha + \beta x))\]

a miracle occurs...

\[g(\mu) = \alpha + \beta x\]

Because it has miraculous properties, we give \(g\) a name: \(g\) is called a ‘link’ function. It ‘links’ the conditional expectation of our outcome variable to a linear function. Everybody loves linear functions! Yay!

Now, DESeq2 uses a negative binomial model, and we’ll talk about that - but first lets look at a model that is commonly used in case-control type settings.

Logistic Regression

In logistic regression, we model the probability of the outcome \(y\), given the independent variable \(x\). That is, \(Y|x\) is Bernoulli, with success probability \(p\) given by:

\[\mathbb{E}(Y|x) = p = \frac{1}{1+e^{-(\alpha + \beta x)}}\]

Note that \(p\) is bounded between \(0\) and \(1\) and is defined for all values of \(\alpha + \beta x\).

We use the notation \(expit(t)\) to denote the following:

\[expit(t) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-t}}\]

\(expit\) is known as the logistic function.

and \(logit(t)\) to denote:

\[logit(t) = \log\left(\frac{1}{1-t}\right)\]

Note that:

\[logit(expit(t)) = t\]

so that

\[logit(p) = \alpha + \beta x\]

Because \(logit(p) = logit(\mathbb{E}(Y|x))\), it is called the link function.


So, how do we perform a logistic regression in R? First, let’s get a data set:

Titanic$pclass<-revalue(pclass, c("1st"=1, "2nd"=1,"3rd"=0))
The following objects are masked from Titanic (pos = 4):

    age, boat, embarked, home.dest, name, pclass, room, row.names, sex,
    survived, ticket
1111Allen, Miss Elisabeth Walton29SouthamptonSt Louis, MOB-524160 L2212female
2210Allison, Miss Helen Loraine2SouthamptonMontreal, PQ / Chesterville, ONC26female
3310Allison, Mr Hudson Joshua Creighton30SouthamptonMontreal, PQ / Chesterville, ONC26(135)male
4410Allison, Mrs Hudson J.C. (Bessie Waldo Daniels)25SouthamptonMontreal, PQ / Chesterville, ONC26female
5511Allison, Master Hudson Trevor0.9167SouthamptonMontreal, PQ / Chesterville, ONC2211male
6611Anderson, Mr Harry47SouthamptonNew York, NYE-123male
7711Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia63SouthamptonHudson, NYD-713502 L7710female
8810Andrews, Mr Thomas, jr39SouthamptonBelfast, NIA-36male
9911Appleton, Mrs Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)58SouthamptonBayside, Queens, NYC-1012female
101010Artagaveytia, Mr Ramon71CherbourgMontevideo, Uruguay(22)male
111110Astor, Colonel John Jacob47CherbourgNew York, NY17754 L224 10s 6d(124)male
121211Astor, Mrs John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)19CherbourgNew York, NY17754 L224 10s 6d4female
131311Aubert, Mrs Leontine PaulineNACherbourgParis, FranceB-3517477 L69 6s9female
141411Barkworth, Mr Algernon H.NASouthamptonHessle, YorksA-23Bmale
151510Baumann, Mr John D.NASouthamptonNew York, NYmale
161611Baxter, Mrs James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)50CherbourgMontreal, PQB-58/606female
171710Baxter, Mr Quigg Edmond24CherbourgMontreal, PQB-58/60male
181810Beattie, Mr Thomson36CherbourgWinnipeg, MNC-6male
191911Beckwith, Mr Richard Leonard37SouthamptonNew York, NYD-355male
202011Beckwith, Mrs Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny)47SouthamptonNew York, NYD-355female
212111Behr, Mr Karl Howell26CherbourgNew York, NYC-1485male
222210Birnbaum, Mr Jakob25CherbourgSan Francisco, CA(148)male
232311Bishop, Mr Dickinson H.25CherbourgDowagiac, MIB-497male
242411Bishop, Mrs Dickinson H. (Helen Walton)19CherbourgDowagiac, MIB-497female
252511Bjornstrm-Steffansson, Mr Mauritz Hakan28SouthamptonStockholm, Sweden / Washington, DC Dmale
262610Blackwell, Mr Stephen Weart45SouthamptonTrenton, NJ(241)male
272711Blank, Mr Henry39CherbourgGlen Ridge, NJA-317male
282811Bonnell, Miss Caroline30SouthamptonYoungstown, OHC-78female
292911Bonnell, Miss Elizabeth58SouthamptonBirkdale, England Cleveland, OhioC-1038female
303010Borebank, Mr John JamesNASouthamptonLondon / Winnipeg, MBD-21/2male
313111Bowen, Miss Grace Scott45CherbourgCooperstown, NY4female
323211Bowerman, Miss Elsie Edith22SouthamptonSt Leonards-on-Sea, England Ohio6female
333311Bradley, Mr GeorgeNASouthamptonLos Angeles, CA15male
343410Brady, Mr John Bertram41SouthamptonPomeroy, WAmale
353510Brandeis, Mr Emil48CherbourgOmaha, NE17591 L50 9s 11d(208)male
363610Brewe, Dr Arthur JacksonNACherbourgPhiladelphia, PAmale
373711Brown, Mrs James Joseph (Margaret Molly Tobin)44CherbourgDenver, CO17610 L27 15s 5d6female
383811Brown, Mrs John Murray (Caroline Lane Lamson)59SouthamptonBelmont, MAC-101Dfemale
393911Bucknell, Mrs William Robert (Emma Eliza Ward)60CherbourgPhiladelphia, PA8female
404010Butt, Major Archibald Willingham45SouthamptonWashington, DCmale
414111Calderhead, Mr Edward P.NASouthamptonNew York, NY5/7male
424211Candee, Mrs Edward (Helen Churchill Hungerford)53CherbourgWashington, DC6female
434311Cardeza, Mrs James Warburton Martinez (Charlotte Wardle Drake)58CherbourgGermantown, Philadelphia, PAB-51/3/517755 L512 6s3female
444411Cardeza, Mr Thomas Drake Martinez36CherbourgAustria-Hungary / Germantown, Philadelphia, PAB-51/3/517755 L512 6s3male
454510Carlsson, Mr Frans Olof33SouthamptonNew York, NYmale
464610Carrau, Mr Francisco M.NASouthamptonMontevideo, Uruguaymale
474710Carrau, Mr Jose PedroNASouthamptonMontevideo, Uruguaymale
484811Carter, Mr William Ernest36SouthamptonBryn Mawr, PACmale
494911Carter, Mrs William Ernest (Lucile Polk)36SouthamptonBryn Mawr, PA4female
505011Carter, Miss Lucile Polk14SouthamptonBryn Mawr, PA4female
515111Carter, Master William T. II11SouthamptonBryn Mawr, PA4male
525210Case, Mr Howard Brown49SouthamptonAscot, Berkshire / Rochester, NYmale
535311Cassebeer, Mrs Henry Arthur jr (Genevieve Fosdick)NACherbourgNew York, NY5female
545410Cavendish, Mr Tyrell William36SouthamptonLittle Onn Hall, Staffs(172)male
555511Cavendish, Mrs Tyrell William Julia Florence SiegelNASouthamptonLittle Onn Hall, Staffs6female
565610Chaffee, Mr Herbert Fuller46SouthamptonAmenia, NDmale
575711Chaffee, Mrs Herbert Fuller (Carrie Constance Toogood)47SouthamptonAmenia, NDfemale
585811Chambers, Mr Norman Campbell27SouthamptonNew York, NY / Ithaca, NY5male
595911Chambers, Mrs Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs)31SouthamptonNew York, NY / Ithaca, NY5female
606011Cherry, Miss GladysNASouthamptonLondon, England8female
616111Chevre, Mr PaulNACherbourgParis, France7male
626211Chibnall (Bowerman), Mrs Edith MarthaNASouthamptonSt Leonards-on-Sea, England Ohio6female
636310Chisholm, Mr Roderick RobertNALiverpool, England / Belfastmale
646410Clark, Mr Walter Miller27CherbourgLos Angeles, CAC-87male
656511Clark, Mrs Walter Miller (Virginia McDowell)26CherbourgLos Angeles, CAC-874female
666610Clifford, Mr George QuincyNASouthamptonStoughton, MAmale
676710Colley, Mr Edward PomeroyNASouthamptonVictoria, BCmale
686811Compton, Mrs Alexander Taylor (Mary Eliza Ingersoll)64CherbourgLakewood, NJ14female
696910Compton, Mr Alexander Taylor, Jr37CherbourgLakewood, NJmale
707011Compton, Miss Sara Rebecca39CherbourgLakewood, NJ14female
717111Cornell, Mrs Robert Clifford (Malvina Helen Lamson)55SouthamptonNew York, NYC-1012female
727210Crafton, Mr John BertramNASouthamptonRoachdale, INmale
737310Crosby, Captain Edward Gifford70SouthamptonMilwaukee, WI(269)male
747411Crosby, Mrs Edward Gifford (Catherine Elizabeth Halstead)69SouthamptonMilwaukee, WI5female
757511Crosby, Miss Harriet R.36SouthamptonMilwaukee, WI5female
767610Cumings, Mr John Bradley39CherbourgNew York, NYC-85male
777711Cumings, Mrs John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)38CherbourgNew York, NYC-854female
787811Daly, Mr Peter Denis NASouthamptonLima, PeruAmale
797911Daniel, Mr Robert Williams27SouthamptonPhiladelphia, PA7male
808010Davidson, Mr Thornton31SouthamptonMontreal, PQmale
818111Davidson, Mrs Thornton (Orian Hays)27SouthamptonMontreal, PQ3female
828211de Villiers, Madame BertheNACherbourgBelgium Montreal, PQ6female
838311Dick, Mr Albert Adrian31CherbourgCalgary, AB3male
848411Dick, Mrs Albert Adrian Vera Gillespie17CherbourgCalgary, AB3female
858511Dodge, Dr. WashingtonNASouthamptonSan Francisco, CA13male
868611Dodge, Mrs Washington (Ruth Vidaver)NASouthamptonSan Francisco, CA5/7female
878711Dodge, Master Washington4SouthamptonSan Francisco, CA5/7male
888811Douglas, Mrs Frederick Charles (Suzette Baxter)27CherbourgMontreal, PQ6female
898910Douglas, Mr Walter Donald50CherbourgDeephaven, MN / Cedar Rapids, IA(62)male
909011Douglas, Mrs Walter Donald (Mahala Dutton)48CherbourgDeephaven, MN / Cedar Rapids, IA2female
919111Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Edmund49CherbourgLondon / Paris11755 L39 12s1male
929211Duff Gordon, Lady (Lucille Wallace Sutherland)48CherbourgLondon / Paris17485 L56 18s 7d1female
939310Dulles, Mr William Crothers39CherbourgPhiladelphia, PA(133)male
949411Earnshaw, Mrs Boulton (Olive Potter)23CherbourgMt Airy, Philadelphia, PA7female
959511Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Mussey53CherbourgBrookline, MA4female
969610Evans, Miss Edith Corse36CherbourgNew York, NYfemale
979711Flegenheim, Mrs Alfred (Antoinette)NACherbourgNew York, NY7female
989811Flynn, Mr John IrvingNASouthamptonBrooklyn, NY5/7male
999910Foreman, Mr Benjamin Laventall30CherbourgNew York, NYmale
10010011Fortune, Miss Alice Elizabeth24SouthamptonWinnipeg, MB10female
10110110Fortune, Mr Charles Alexander19SouthamptonWinnipeg, MBmale
10210211Fortune, Miss Ethel Flora28SouthamptonWinnipeg, MB10female
10310311Fortune, Miss Mabel23SouthamptonWinnipeg, MB10female
10410410Fortune, Mr Mark64SouthamptonWinnipeg, MBmale
10510511Fortune, Mrs Mark (Mary McDougald)60SouthamptonWinnipeg, MB10female
10610610Franklin, Mr Thomas ParhamNASouthamptonWestcliff-on-Sea, Essexmale
10710711Frauenthal, Dr Henry William49CherbourgNew York, NY5male
10810811Frauenthal, Mrs Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer)NACherbourgNew York, NY5female
10910911Frauenthal, Mr Isaac Gerald44SouthamptonNew York, NY5male
11011011Frolicher, Miss Marguerite22CherbourgZurich, Switzerland5female
11111111Frolicher-Stehli, Mr Maxmillian60CherbourgZurich, Switzerland5male
11211211Frolicher-Stehli, Mrs Maxmillian (Margaretha Emerentia Stehli)48CherbourgZurich, Switzerland5female
11311310Futrelle, Mr Jacques37SouthamptonScituate, MAmale
11411411Futrelle, Mrs Jacques (May Peel)35SouthamptonScituate, MA9female
11511510Gee, Mr Arthur H.47SouthamptonSt Anne's-on-Sea, Lancashire(275)male
11611611Gibson, Miss Dorothy22CherbourgNew York, NY7female
11711711Gibson, Mrs Leonard (Pauline C. Boeson)45CherbourgNew York, NY7female
11811811Goldenberg, Mr Samuel L.49CherbourgParis, France / New York, NY5male
11911911Goldenberg, Mrs Samuel L. (Edwiga Grabowsko)NACherbourgParis, France / New York, NY5female
12012010Goldschmidt, Mr George B.71CherbourgNew York, NYmale
12112111Gracie, Colonel Archibald IV54SouthamptonWashington, DCC-51113780 L28 10sBmale
12212210Graham, Mr George Edward38SouthamptonWinnipeg, MB(147)male
12312311Graham, Miss Margaret Edith19SouthamptonGreenwich, CTC-12517582 L153 9s 3d3female
12412411Graham, Mrs William Thompson (Edith Junkins)58SouthamptonGreenwich, CTC-9117582 L153 9s 3d3female
12512511Greenfield, Mrs Leo David (Blanche Strouse)45CherbourgNew York, NY7female
12612611Greenfield, Mr William Bertram23CherbourgNew York, NY7male
12712710Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin46CherbourgNew York, NYB-82/417593 L56 18s 7dmale
12812811Harder, Mr George Achilles25CherbourgBrooklyn, NY5male
12912911Harder, Mrs George Achilles (Dorothy Annan)21CherbourgBrooklyn, NY5female
13013011Harper, Mr Henry Sleeper48CherbourgNew York, NY3male
13113111Harper, Mrs Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)49CherbourgNew York, NY3female
13213210Harris, Mr Henry Birkhardt45SouthamptonNew York, NYC-8336973 L83 9s 6dmale
13313311Harris, Mrs Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach)36SouthamptonNew York, NYC-8336973 L83 9s 6dDfemale
13413411Hawksford, Mr Walter JamesNASouthamptonKingston, Surrey3male
13513510Hays, Mr Charles Melville55SouthamptonMontreal, PQ(307)male
13613611Hays, Mrs Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)52SouthamptonMontreal, PQ3female
13713711Hays, Miss Margaret Bechstein24SouthamptonNew York, NY7female
13813810Head, Mr ChristopherNASouthamptonLondon / Middlesexmale
13913910Hilliard, Mr Herbert HenryNASouthamptonBrighton, MAmale
14014010Hipkins, Mr William EdwardNASouthamptonLondon / Birminghammale
14114111Hippach, Miss Jean Gertrude16CherbourgChicago, ILB-18111361 L57 19s 7d4female
14214211Hippach, Mrs Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)44CherbourgChicago, ILB-18111361 L57 19s 7d4female
14314311Hogeboom, Mrs John C. (Anna Andrews)51SouthamptonHudson, NYD-?13502 L7710female
14414410Holverson, Mr Alexander Oskar42SouthamptonNew York, NY(38)male
14514511Holverson, Mrs Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner)35SouthamptonNew York, NYfemale
14614611Homer, Mr Harry35CherbourgIndianapolis, IN15male
14714711Hoyt, Mr Frederick Maxfield38SouthamptonNew York, NY / Stamford CTC-93Dmale
14814811Hoyt, Mrs Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby)35SouthamptonNew York, NY / Stamford CTC-93Dfemale
14914910Hoyt, Mr William F.NACherbourgNew York, NY14male
15015010Isham, Miss Anne Elizabeth50CherbourgParis, France New York, NYC-49female
15115111Ismay, Mr Joseph Bruce49SouthamptonLiverpoolB-52/4/6112058 ComplimentaryCmale
15215210Jones, Mr Charles Cresson46SouthamptonBennington, VT(80)male
15315310Julian, Mr Henry ForbesNASouthamptonLondonmale
15415410Kent, Mr Edward Austin58CherbourgBuffalo, NY(258)male
15515510Kenyon, Mr Frederick R.41SouthamptonSouthington / Noank, CTmale
15615611Kenyon, Mrs Frederick R. (Marion)NASouthamptonSouthington / Noank, CT8female
15715711Kimball, Mr Edwin Nelson Jr.42SouthamptonBoston, MA5male
15815811Kimball, Mrs Edwin Nelson Jr. (Gertrude Parsons)40SouthamptonBoston, MA5female
15915910Klaber, Mr HermanNASouthamptonPortland, ORmale
16016011Leader, Dr Alice FarnhamNASouthamptonNew York, NY8female
16116110Lewy, Mr Ervin G.NACherbourgChicago, ILmale
16216210Lindeberg-Lind, Mr Erik Gustaf42SouthamptonStockholm, Swedenmale
16316311Lindstrom, Mrs Carl Johan (Sigrid Posse)55CherbourgStockholm, Sweden6female
16416411Lines, Mrs Ernest H. (Elizabeth Lindsey James)50CherbourgParis, France9female
16516511Lines, Miss Mary Conover16CherbourgParis, France9female
16616610Lingrey, Mr EdwardNAmale
16716710Long, Mr Milton Clyde29SouthamptonSpringfield, MA(126)male
16816811Longley, Miss Gretchen Fiske21SouthamptonHudson, NYD-?13502 L7710female
16916910Loring, Mr Joseph Holland30SouthamptonLondon / New York, NYmale
17017011Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra15SouthamptonSt Louis, MOB-524160 L2212female
17117110Maguire, Mr John Edward30SouthamptonBrockton, MAmale
17217211Marechal, Mr PierreNACherbourgParis, France7male
17317310Marvin, Mr Daniel WarnerNASouthamptonNew York, NYmale
17417411Marvin, Mrs Daniel Warner (Mary Graham Carmichael Farquarson)NASouthamptonNew York, NYfemale
17517510McCaffry, Mr Thomas Francis46CherbourgVancouver, BC(292)male
17617610McCarthy, Mr Timothy J.54SouthamptonDorchester, MA(175)male
17717711McGough, Mr James R.36SouthamptonPhiladelphia, PA7male
17817810Meyer, Mr Edgar Joseph28CherbourgNew York, NYmale
17917911Meyer, Mrs Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks)NACherbourgNew York, NY6female
18018010Millet, Mr Francis Davis65SouthamptonEast Bridgewater, MA(249)male
18118111Minahan, Miss Daisy E.33QueenstownGreen Bay, WI14female
18218210Minahan, Dr William Edward44QueenstownFond du Lac, WI(230)male
18318311Minahan, Mrs William Edward (Lillian E. Thorpe)37QueenstownFond du Lac, WI14female
18418411Mock, Mr Philip E.NACherbourgNew York, NY11male
18518510Molson, Mr Harry Markland55SouthamptonMontreal, PQmale
18618610Moore, Mr Clarence Bloomfield47SouthamptonWashington, DCmale
18718710Natsch, Mr Charles H.36CherbourgBrooklyn, NYmale
18818810Newell, Mr Arthur Webster58CherbourgLexington, MA(122)male
18918911Newell, Miss Madeleine31CherbourgLexington, MA6female
19019011Newell, Miss Marjorie23CherbourgLexington, MA6female
19119111Newsom, Miss Helen Monypeny19SouthamptonNew York, NY5female
19219210Nicholson, Mr Arthur Ernest64SouthamptonIsle of Wight, England(263)male
19319311Omont, Mr A. FernandNACherbourgParis, France7male
19419410Ostby, Mr Engelhart Cornelius64CherbourgProvidence, RI(234)male
19519511Ostby, Miss Helen Raghnild22CherbourgProvidence, RI5female
19619610Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr Servando28?Havana, Cuba(189)male
19719710Parr, Mr William Henry MarshNABelfastmale
19819810Partner, Mr AustinNASouthamptonSurbiton Hill, Surrey(166)male
19919910Payne, Mr Vivian Ponsonby22SouthamptonMontreal, PQmale
20020010Pears, Mr ThomasNASouthamptonIsleworth, Englandmale
20120111Pears, Mrs Thomas (Edith)NASouthamptonIsleworth, England8female
20220210Penasco, Mr Victor de Satode18CherbourgMadrid, Spainmale
20320311Penasco, Mrs Victor de Satode (Josefa de Soto)17CherbourgMadrid, Spain8female
20420411Peuchen, Major Arthur Godfrey52SouthamptonToronto, ONC-1046male
20520510Porter, Mr Walter Chamberlain46SouthamptonWorcester, MA(207)male
20620611Potter, Mrs Thomas, Jr. (Lily Alexenia Wilson)56CherbourgMt Airy, Philadelphia, PA7female
20720710Reuchlin, Jonkheer John GeorgeNASouthamptonRotterdam, Netherlandsmale
20820811Rheims, Mr George LucienNACherbourgParis / New York, NY17604 L39 12sAmale
20920911Robert, Mrs Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)43SouthamptonSt Louis, MOB-324160 L2212female
21021010Roebling, Mr Washington Augustus 2nd31SouthamptonTrenton, NJmale
21121111Romaine, Mr Charles HallaceNASouthamptonNew York, NY15male
21221210Rood, Mr Hugh R.NASouthamptonSeattle, WAmale
21321311Rosenbaum (Russell), Miss Edith Louise33CherbourgParis, FranceA-1117613 L27 14s 5d11female
21421410Ross, Mr John HugoNACherbourgWinnipeg, MBmale
21521511Rothes, the Countess of (Noel Lucy Martha Dyer-Edwardes)27SouthamptonLondon Vancouver, BC8female
21621610Rothschild, Mr Martin55CherbourgNew York, NYmale
21721711Rothschild, Mrs Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett)54CherbourgNew York, NY6female
21821810Rowe, Mr Alfred G.NASouthamptonLondon(109)male
21921910Ryerson, Mr Arthur Larned61CherbourgHaverford, PA / Cooperstown, NY17608 L262 7s 6dmale
22022011Ryerson, Mrs Arthur Larned (Emily Maria Borie)48CherbourgHaverford, PA / Cooperstown, NY17608 L262 7s 6d4female
22122111Ryerson, Miss Emily Borie18CherbourgHaverford, PA / Cooperstown, NY17608 L262 7s 6d4female
22222211Ryerson, Master John Borie13CherbourgHaverford, PA / Cooperstown, NY17608 L262 7s 6d4male
22322311Ryerson, Miss Susan (Suzette) Parker21CherbourgHaverford, PA / Cooperstown, NY17608 L262 7s 6d4female
22422411Saalfeld, Mr AdolpheNASouthamptonManchester, England3male
22522511Salomon, Mr Abraham L.NASouthamptonNew York, NY1male
22622611Schabert, Mrs Paul (Emma Mock)NACherbourgNew York, NY11female
22722711Seward, Mr Frederic Kimber34SouthamptonNew York, NY7male
22822811Shutes, Miss Elizabeth W.40SouthamptonNew York, NY / Greenwich CTC-12517582 L153 9s 3d3female
22922911Silverthorne, Mr Spencer Victor36SouthamptonSt Louis, MO5male
23023010Silvey, Mr William Baird50Duluth, MNmale
23123111Silvey, Mrs William Baird (Alice Munger)39Duluth, MNfemale
23223211Simonius-Blumer, Col Alfons56Basel, Switzerland3male
23323311Sloper, Mr William Thompson28SouthamptonNew Britain, CT7male
23423410Smart, Mr John Montgomery56SouthamptonNew York, NYmale
23523510Smith, Mr James Clinch56CherbourgSt James, Long Island, NYmale
23623610Smith, Mr Lucien Philip24SouthamptonHuntington, WVmale
23723711Smith, Mrs Lucien Philip (Mary Eloise Hughes18SouthamptonHuntington, WV6female
23823810Smith, Mr Richard WilliamNASouthamptonStreatham, Surreymale
23923911Snyder, Mr John Pillsbury24SouthamptonMinneapolis, MN7male
24024011Snyder, Mrs John Pillsbury (Nelle Stevenson)23SouthamptonMinneapolis, MN7female
24124111Spedden, Mr Frederick Oakley45CherbourgTuxedo Park, NY3male
24224211Spedden, Mrs Frederick Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)40CherbourgTuxedo Park, NY3female
24324311Spedden, Master Robert Douglas6CherbourgTuxedo Park, NY3male
24424410Spencer, Mr William Augustus57CherbourgParis, Francemale
24524511Spencer, Mrs William Augustus (Marie Eugenie)NACherbourgParis, France6female
24624611Staehlin, Dr Max32CherbourgBasel, Switzerland3male
24724710Stead, Mr William Thomas62SouthamptonWimbledon Park, London / Hayling Island, HantsC-89male
24824811Stengel, Mr Charles Emil Henry54CherbourgNewark, NJ1male
24924911Stengel, Mrs Charles Emil Henry (Annie May Morris)43CherbourgNewark, NJ5female
25025011Stephenson, Mrs Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)52Haverford, PA4female
25125110Stewart, Mr Albert A.NACherbourgGallipolis, Ohio / ? Paris / New Yorkmale
25225211Stone, Mrs George Nelson (Martha E.)62Cincinatti, OH6female
25325310Straus, Mr Isidor67SouthamptonNew York, NY17483 L221 15s 7d(96)male
25425410Straus, Mrs Isidor (Ida Blun)63SouthamptonNew York, NY17483 L221 15s 7dfemale
25525510Sutton, Mr Frederick61SouthamptonHaddenfield, NJ(46)male
25625611Swift, Mrs Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron)46SouthamptonBrooklyn, NY8female
25725710Taussig, Mr Emil52SouthamptonNew York, NYmale
25825811Taussig, Mrs Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum)39SouthamptonNew York, NY8female
25925911Taussig, Miss Ruth18SouthamptonNew York, NY8female
26026011Taylor, Mr Elmer Zebley48SouthamptonLondon / East Orange, NJC-1265male
26126111Taylor, Mrs Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright)NASouthamptonLondon / East Orange, NJC-1265female
26226210Thayer, Mr John Borland49CherbourgHaverford, PAmale
26326311Thayer, Mrs John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)39CherbourgHaverford, PA4female
26426411Thayer, Mr John Borland, jr.17CherbourgHaverford, PABmale
26526510Thorne, Mr George (alias of: Mr George Rosenshine)46CherbourgNew York, NYmale
26626611Thorne, Mrs Gertrude MaybelleNACherbourgNew York, NYDfemale
26726711Tucker, Mr Gilbert Milligan, jr31CherbourgAlbany, NY7male
26826810Uruchurtu, Mr Manuel E.NACherbourgMexico City, Mexicomale
26926910Van Derhoef, Mr Wyckoff61SouthamptonBrooklyn, NY(245)male
27027010Walker, Mr William Anderson47SouthamptonEast Orange, NJmale
27127110Warren, Mr Frank Manley64CherbourgPortland, ORmale
27227211Warren, Mrs Frank Manley (Anna S. Atkinson)60CherbourgPortland, OR5female
27327310Weir, Col John60SouthamptonEngland Salt Lake City, Utahmale
27427411White, Mrs J. Stuart (Ella Holmes)55CherbourgNew York, NY / Briarcliff Manor NY8female
27527510White, Mr Percival Wayland54SouthamptonBrunswick, MEmale
27627610White, Mr Richard Frasar21SouthamptonBrunswick, ME(169)male
27727710Wick, Mr George Dennick57SouthamptonYoungstown, OHmale
27827811Wick, Mrs George Dennick (Martha Hitchcock)45SouthamptonYoungstown, OH8female
27927911Wick, Miss Mary Natalie31SouthamptonYoungstown, OHC-78female
28028010Widener, Mr George Dunton50CherbourgElkins Park, PAmale
28128111Widener, Mrs George Dunton (Eleanor Elkins)50CherbourgElkins Park, PA4female
28228210Widener, Mr Harry Elkins27CherbourgElkins Park, PAmale
28328311Willard, Miss Constance20SouthamptonDuluth, MNfemale
28428410Williams, Mr Charles Duane51CherbourgGeneva, Switzerland / Radnor, PAmale
28528510Williams, Mr Fletcher LambertNASouthamptonLondon, Englandmale
28628611Williams, Mr Richard Norris II21CherbourgGeneva, Switzerland / Radnor, PAAmale
28728711Woolner, Mr HughNASouthamptonLondon, EnglandDmale
28828810Wright, Mr GeorgeNASouthamptonHalifax, NSmale
28928911Young, Miss Marie Grice36CherbourgNew York, NY / Washington, DC8female
29029011Barber, Ms NASouthamptonfemale
29129111Bazzani, Ms AlbinaNACherbourgfemale
29229211Bidois, Miss RosalieNACherbourg17754female
29329311Bird, Ms EllenNASouthamptonC-9717483female
29429411Bissetti, Ms AmeliaNACherbourgC-99female
29529511Burns, Ms Elizabeth MargaretNACherbourgfemale
29629611Chaudanson, Ms VictorineNACherbourg17608female
29729711Cleaver, Ms AliceNASouthamptonC2211female
29829811Daniels, Ms SarahNASouthamptonC-228female
29929911Endres, Miss Caroline LouiseNACherbourgNew York, NYC-4517754 L224 10s 6d4female
30030010Farthing, Mr JohnNASouthamptonC-55 (?C-95)17483male
30130110Fleming, Ms MargaretNACherbourg4female
30230211Francatelli, Ms Laura MabelNACherbourg17485female
30330310Fry, Mr RichardNASouthamptonB-102112058male
30430411Geiger, Miss Emily NACherbourgfemale
30530510Giglio, Mr VictorNACherbourgB-8617593male
30630610Harrington, Mr CharlesNASouthamptonmale
30730710Harrison, Mr William Henry40Southampton112059(110)male
30830810Hassah, Mr HamadNACherbourgmale
30930911Icabad (Icabod), MsNAfemale
31031010Keeping, Mr Edwin32Cherbourg(45)male
31131111Kenchen, Ms AmeliaNASouthampton2female
31231211LeRoy, Miss BertheNACherbourg2female
31331310Lesneur, Mr GustaveNACherbourgB-?male
31431411Maloney, MsNASouthampton8female
31531510Oliva, MlleNACherbourgfemale
31631611Pericault, MsNASouthamptonfemale
31731710Ringhini, Mr Sante33Cherbourg(232)male
31831810Robbins, Mr VictorNACherbourgC-6217754male
31931911Segesser, Mlle. EmmaNACherbourgfemale
32032010Seredeca, MsNASouthamptonfemale
32132110Ward, Ms AnnaNACherbourgfemale
32232211Wilson, Ms HelenNACherbourgfemale
32332310Abelson, Mr Samuel30CherbourgRussia New York, NYmale
32432411Abelson, Mrs Samuel (Anna)28CherbourgRussia New York, NY12female
32532510Andrew, Mr Edgar Samuel18SouthamptonBuenos Aires, Argentina / New Jersey, NJmale
32632610Andrew, Mr FrankNASouthamptonCornwall, England Houghton, MImale
32732710Angle, Mr William A.34SouthamptonWarwick, Englandmale
32832811Angle, Mrs William A. (Florence)32SouthamptonWarwick, Englandfemale
32932910Ashby, Mr John57SouthamptonWest Hoboken, NJmale
33033010Bailey, Mr Percy Andrew18SouthamptonPenzance, Cornwall / Akron, OHmale
33133110Baimbrigge, Mr Charles R.23SouthamptonGuernseymale
33233211Balls, Mrs Ada E. Hall36SouthamptonBristol, Avon / Jacksonville, FLfemale
33333310Banfield, Mr Frederick J.28SouthamptonPlymouth, Dorset / Houghton, MImale
33433410Bateman, Rev Robert James51SouthamptonJacksonville, FL(174)male
33533511Beane, Mr Edward32SouthamptonNorwich / New York, NYmale
33633611Beane, Mrs Edward (Ethel Clarke)19SouthamptonNorwich / New York, NYfemale
33733710Beauchamp, Mr Henry James28SouthamptonEnglandmale
33833811Becker, Mrs Allen Oliver (Nellie E. Baumgardner)36SouthamptonGuntur, India / Benton Harbour, MI230136 L3911female
33933911Becker, Miss Marion Louise4SouthamptonGuntur, India / Benton Harbour, MI230136 L3911female
34034011Becker, Master Richard F.1SouthamptonGuntur, India / Benton Harbour, MI230136 L3911male
34134111Becker, Miss Ruth Elizabeth12SouthamptonGuntur, India / Benton Harbour, MI230136 L3913female
34234211Beesley, Mr Lawrence34SouthamptonLondonD-56248698 L1313male
34334311Bentham, Miss Lilian W.19SouthamptonRochester, NY12female
34434410Berriman, Mr William S.23SouthamptonSt Ives, Cornwall / Calumet, MImale
34534510Botsford, Mr William Hull26SouthamptonElmira, NY / Orange, NJmale
34634610Bowenur, Mr SolomonNASouthamptonLondonmale
34734710Bracken, Mr James H.27SouthamptonLake Arthur, Chavez County, NMmale
34834811Brown, Miss Edith E.15SouthamptonCape Town, South Africa / Seattle, WA14female
34934910Brown, Mr Thomas William Solomon45SouthamptonCape Town, South Africa / Seattle, WAmale
35035011Brown, Mrs Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth C.)40SouthamptonCape Town, South Africa / Seattle, WA14female
35135111Bryhl, Miss Dagmar20SouthamptonSkara, Sweden / Rockford, IL12female
35235210Bryhl, Mr Kurt Arnold Gottfrid25SouthamptonSkara, Sweden / Rockford, ILmale
35335311Buss, Miss Kate36SouthamptonSittingbourne, England / San Diego, CAE-?278499female
35435410Butler, Mr Reginald Fenton25SouthamptonSouthsea, Hants(97)male
35535510Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel D.NASouthamptonLondonmale
35635611Bystrom, Mrs Carolina42SouthamptonNew York, NYfemale
35735711Caldwell, Mr Albert Francis26SouthamptonBangkok, Thailand / Roseville, IL13male
35835811Caldwell, Mrs Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh)26SouthamptonBangkok, Thailand / Roseville, IL13female
35935911Caldwell, Master Alden Gates0.8333SouthamptonBangkok, Thailand / Roseville, IL13male
36036011Cameron, Miss Clear31SouthamptonMamaroneck, NYfemale
36136110Campbell, Mr WilliamNABelfastmale
36236210Carbines, Mr William19SouthamptonSt Ives, Cornwall / Calumet, MI(18)male
36336310Carter, Rev Ernest Courtenay54SouthamptonLondonmale
36436410Carter, Mrs Ernest Courtenay (Lillian Hughes)44SouthamptonLondonfemale
36536510Chapman, Mr Charles Henry52SouthamptonBronx, NY(130)male
36636610Chapman, Mr John Henry30SouthamptonCornwall / Spokane, WA(17)male
36736710Chapman, Mrs John Henry (Elizabeth Lawry)30SouthamptonCornwall / Spokane, WAfemale
36836811Christy, Mrs Alice FrancesNASouthamptonLondonfemale
36936911Christy, Miss JulieNASouthamptonLondonfemale
37037010Clarke, Mr Charles V.29SouthamptonEngland / San Francisco, CAmale
37137111Clarke, Mrs Charles V. (Ada Maria)NASouthamptonEngland / San Francisco, CA14female
37237210Coleridge, Mr Reginald Charles29SouthamptonHartford, Huntingdonshiremale
37337310Collander, Mr Erik27SouthamptonHelsinki, Finland Ashtabula, Ohiomale
37437411Collett, Mr Sidney C. Stuart24SouthamptonLondon / Fort Byron, NY9male
37537510Collyer, Mr Harvey35SouthamptonBishopstoke, Hants / Fayette Valley, IDmale
37637611Collyer, Mrs Harvey (Charlotte Tate)31SouthamptonBishopstoke, Hants / Fayette Valley, ID14female
37737711Collyer, Miss Marjorie8SouthamptonBishopstoke, Hants / Fayette Valley, ID14female
37837810Cook, Mrs Selena Rogers22SouthamptonPennsylvaniaF-3314female
37937910Corbett, Mrs Walter H. (Irene Colvin)30SouthamptonProvo, UTfemale
38038010Corey, Mrs Percy C. (Mary Phyllis Elizabeth Miller)NASouthamptonUpper Burma, India Pittsburgh, PAfemale
38138110Cotterill, Mr Harry20SouthamptonPenzance, Cornwall / Akron, OHmale
38238210Cunningham, Mr Alfred FlemingNABelfastmale
38338310Davies, Mr Charles Henry21SouthamptonLyndhurst, Englandmale
38438411Davis, Mrs Agnes49SouthamptonSt Ives, Cornwall / Hancock, MIfemale
38538511Davis, Master John Morgan8SouthamptonSt Ives, Cornwall / Hancock, MImale
38638611Davis, Miss Mary28SouthamptonLondon / Staten Island, NY13female
38738710Deacon, Mr Percy18Southamptonmale
38838810de Brito, Mr Jose JoaquimNAPortugal / Sau Paulo, Brazilmale
38938910del Carlo, Mr Sebastiano28CherbourgLucca, Italy / California(295)male
39039011del Carlo, Mrs Sebastiano (Argenia Genovese)22CherbourgLucca, Italy / Californiafemale
39139110Denbury, Mr Herbert25SouthamptonGuernsey / Elizabeth, NJmale
39239210Dibden, Mr William18SouthamptonNew Forest, Englandmale
39339311Doling, Mrs Ada32SouthamptonSouthamptonfemale
39439411Doling, Miss Elsie18SouthamptonSouthamptonfemale
39539510Downton (?Douton), Mr William JamesNASouthamptonHolley, NYmale
39639610Drew, Mr James Vivian42SouthamptonGreenport, NY28220 L32 10smale
39739711Drew, Mrs James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian)34SouthamptonGreenport, NY28220 L32 10sfemale
39839811Drew, Master Marshall Brines8SouthamptonGreenport, NY28220 L32 10smale
39939911Duran y More, Miss AsuncionNACherbourgBarcelona, Spain / Havana, Cuba12female
40040011Duran y More, Miss FlorentinaNACherbourgBarcelona, Spain / Havana, Cuba12female
40140110Eitemiller, Mr George Floyd23SouthamptonEngland / Detroit, MImale
40240210Enander, Mr Ingvar21SouthamptonGoteborg, Sweden / Rockford, ILmale
40340310Fahlstrom, Mr Arne Jonas19SouthamptonOslo, Norway Bayonne, NJmale
40440410Faunthorpe, Mr HarryNASouthamptonEngland / Philadelphia, PA(286)male
40540511Faunthorpe, Mrs Lizzie (see Wilkinson, E.)NAfemale
40640610Fillbrook, Mr CharlesNASouthamptonCornwall / Houghton, MImale
40740710Fox, Mr Stanley H.38SouthamptonRochester, NY229236 L13(236)male
40840810Frost, Mr Anthony (Archie) W.NABelfastmale
40940910Funk, Miss Annie C.38SouthamptonJanjgir, India / Pennsylvaniafemale
41041010Fynney, Mr Joseph J.35SouthamptonLiverpool / Montreal, PQ(322)male
41141110Gale, Mr Harry35SouthamptonCornwall / Clear Creek, COmale
41241210Gale, Mr Shadrach38SouthamptonCornwall / Clear Creek, COmale
41341311Garside, Miss Ethel24SouthamptonBrooklyn, NYfemale
41441410Gaskell, Mr Alfred16SouthamptonLiverpool / Montreal, PQmale
41541510Gavey, Mr Lawrence26SouthamptonGuernsey / Elizabeth, NJmale
41641610Gilbert, Mr William45SouthamptonCornwallmale
41741710Giles, Mr Edgar24SouthamptonCornwall / Camden, NJmale
41841810Giles, Mr Frederick21SouthamptonCornwall / Camden, NJmale
41941910Giles, Mr Ralph22SouthamptonWest Kensington, London(297)male
42042010Gill, Mr John W.NASouthamptonClevedon, Englandmale
42142110Gillespie, Mr William34SouthamptonVancouver, BCmale
42242210Givard, Mr Hans Christensen30Southampton(305)male
42342310Greenberg, Mr Samuel50SouthamptonBronx, NY(19)male
42442410Hale, Mr Reginald30SouthamptonAuburn, NY(75)male
42542511Hamalainen, Mrs William (Anna)23SouthamptonDetroit, MIfemale
42642611Hamalainen, Master Viljo1SouthamptonDetroit, MImale
42742710Harbeck, Mr William H.44SouthamptonSeattle, WA / Toledo, OH248749 L13(35)male
42842810Harper, Rev John28SouthamptonDenmark Hill, Surrey / Chicagomale
42942911Harper, Miss Nina6SouthamptonDenmark Hill, Surrey / Chicago11female
43043011Harris, Mr George30SouthamptonLondonmale
43143110Harris, Mr WalterNASouthamptonWalthamstow, Englandmale
43243210Hart, Mr Benjamin43SouthamptonIlford, Essex / Winnipeg, MB13529 L26 5smale
43343311Hart, Mrs Benjamin (Esther)45SouthamptonIlford, Essex / Winnipeg, MB13529 L26 5s14female
43443411Hart, Miss Eva Miriam7SouthamptonIlford, Essex / Winnipeg, MB13529 L26 5s14female
43543511Herman, Miss Alice24SouthamptonSomerset / Bernardsville, NJ9female
43643611Herman, Miss Kate24SouthamptonSomerset / Bernardsville, NJ9female
43743710Herman, Mr Samuel49SouthamptonSomerset / Bernardsville, NJmale
43843811Herman, Mrs Samuel (Jane Laver)48SouthamptonSomerset / Bernardsville, NJ9female
43943911Hewlett, Mrs Mary D.NASouthamptonIndia / Rapid City, SD13female
44044010Hickman, Mr Leonard Mark34SouthamptonWest Hampstead, London / Neepawa, MB(256)male
44144110Hickman, Mr Lewis32SouthamptonWest Hampstead, London / Neepawa, MBmale
44244210Hickman, Mr Stanley George21SouthamptonWest Hampstead, London / Neepawa, MBmale
44344310Hiltunen, Miss Marta18SouthamptonKontiolahti, Finland / Detroit, MIfemale
44444411Hocking, Mrs Elizabeth53SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OH4female
44544510Hocking, Mr George23SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OHmale
44644611Hocking, Miss Ellen (Nellie)21SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OH4female
44744710Hocking, Mr Samuel JamesNASouthamptonDevonport, Englandmale
44844810Hodges, Mr Henry Price52SouthamptonSouthampton(149)male
44944910Hold, Mr Stephen42SouthamptonEngland / Sacramento, CAmale
45045011Hold, Mrs Stephen (Annie Margaret)36SouthamptonEngland / Sacramento, CAfemale
45145110Hood, Mr Ambrose, Jr21SouthamptonNew Forest, Englandmale
45245211Hosono, Mr Masafumi41SouthamptonTokyo, Japan13male
45345310Howard, Mr BenjaminNASouthamptonSwindon, Englandmale
45445410Howard, Mrs Benjamin (Ellen Truelove)NASouthamptonSwindon, Englandfemale
45545510Hunt, Mr George Henry33SouthamptonPhiladelphia, PAmale
45645611Ilett, Miss Bertha17SouthamptonGuernseyfemale
45745710Jacobsohn Mr Sidney SamuelNASouthamptonLondonmale
45845811Jacobsohn, Mrs Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy)NASouthamptonLondonfemale
45945910Jarvis, Mr John DenzilNASouthamptonNorth Evington, Englandmale
46046010Jefferys, Mr CliffordNASouthamptonGuernsey / Elizabeth, NJmale
46146110Jefferys, Mr ErnestNASouthamptonGuernsey / Elizabeth, NJmale
46246210Jenkin, Mr Stephen CurnowNASouthamptonSt Ives, Cornwall / Houghton, MImale
46346311Jerwan, Mrs Amin S. (Marie Thuillard)23CherbourgNew York, NYfemale
46446410Kantor, Mr Sinai34SouthamptonMoscow / Bronx, NY(283)male
46546511Kantor, Mrs Sinai (Miriam Sternim)NASouthamptonMoscow / Bronx, NYfemale
46646610Karnes, Mrs J. Frank (Claire Bennett)22SouthamptonIndia / Pittsburgh, PAfemale
46746710Keane, Mr DanielNAQueenstownmale
46846811Keane, Miss Nora A.NAQueenstownHarrisburg, PAE-10110female
46946911Kelly, Mrs Florence (Fannie)45SouthamptonLondon / New York, NYfemale
47047010Kirkland, Rev Charles LeonardNAQueenstownGlasgow / Bangor, MEmale
47147110Knight, Mr RobertNABelfastmale
47247210Kvillner, Mr Johan Henrik Johannesson31SouthamptonSweden / Arlington, NJ(165)male
47347310Lahtinen, Rev William30SouthamptonMinneapolis, MNmale
47447410Lahtinen, Mrs William (Anna Sylvan)26SouthamptonMinneapolis, MNfemale
47547510Lamb, Mr John JamesNAQueenstownmale
47647611Lemore, Mrs Amelia34SouthamptonChicago, ILF-3314/Dfemale
47747710LaRoche, Mr Joseph26CherbourgParis / Haitimale
47847811LaRoche, Mrs Joseph (Juliet)22CherbourgParis / Haitifemale
47947911LaRoche, Miss Louise1CherbourgParis / Haitifemale
48048011LaRoche, Miss Simonne3CherbourgParis / Haitifemale
48148111Lehmann, Miss BerthaNACherbourgBerne, Switzerland / Central City, IAfemale
48248211Leitch, Miss JessieNASouthamptonLondon / Chicago, IL11female
48348310Levy, Mr Rene JacquesNACherbourgMontreal, PQmale
48448410Leyson, Mr Robert William Norman25Southampton(108)male
48548510Lingan, Mr JohnNAQueenstownmale
48648610Louch, Mr Charles Alexander48SouthamptonWeston-Super-Mare, Somerset(121)male
48748711Louch, Mrs Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide)NASouthamptonWeston-Super-Mare, Somerset14female
48848810Mack, Mrs Mary57SouthamptonSouthampton / New York, NYE77(52)female
48948910Malachard, Mr NoelNACherbourgParismale
49049010Mallet, Mr AlbertNACherbourgParis / Montreal, PQmale
49149111Mallet, Mrs Albert (Antoinette)NACherbourgParis / Montreal, PQfemale
49249211Mallet, Master Andre2CherbourgParis / Montreal, PQmale
49349310Mangiavacchi, Mr Serafino EmilioNACherbourgNew York, NYmale
49449410Mantvila, Rev Joseph27SouthamptonWorcester, MAmale
49549511Marshall, Mrs Kate Louise Phillips19SouthamptonWorcester, Englandfemale
49649610Matthews, Mr William John30SouthamptonSt Austall, Cornwallmale
49749710Maybery, Mr Frank H.20SouthamptonWeston-Super-Mare / Moose Jaw, SKmale
49849810McCrae, Mr Arthur Gordon45SouthamptonSydney, Australia(209)male
49949910McCrie, Mr James MatthewNASouthamptonSarnia, ONmale
50050010McKane, Mr Peter D.46SouthamptonRochester, NYmale
50150111Mellenger, Mrs Elizabeth Anne41SouthamptonEngland / Bennington, VT14/12female
50250211Mellenger, Miss Madeleine Violet13SouthamptonEngland / Bennington, VT14/12female
50350311Mellor, Mr William John19SouthamptonChelsea, LondonBmale
50450410Meyer, Mr August30SouthamptonHarrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesexmale
50550510Milling, Mr Jacob Christian48SouthamptonCopenhagen, Denmark(271)male
50650610Mitchell, Mr Henry Michael71SouthamptonGuernsey / Montclair, NJ and/or Toledo, Ohiomale
50750710Moraweck, Dr Ernest54SouthamptonFrankfort, KYmale
50850810Morley, Mr WilliamNASouthamptonPetworth, Sussexmale
50950910Mudd, Mr Thomas C.NASouthamptonHalesworth, Englandmale
51051010Myles, Mr Thomas Francis64QueenstownCambridge, MAmale
51151110Nasser (Nasrallah), Mr Nicholas32CherbourgNew York, NY(43)male
51251211Nasser (Nasrallah), Mrs Nicholas18CherbourgNew York, NYfemale
51351311Navratil, Master Edmond Roger2SouthamptonNice, France230080 L26Dmale
51451410Navratil, Mr Michel32SouthamptonNice, France230080 L26(15)male
51551511Navratil, Master Michel M.3SouthamptonNice, France230080 L26Dmale
51651610Nesson, Mr Israel26SouthamptonBoston, MAmale
51751710Nicholls, Mr Joseph Charles19SouthamptonCornwall / Hancock, MI(101)male
51851810Norman, Mr Robert DouglasNASouthamptonGlasgow(287)male
51951911Nourney, Mr Alfred (aka Baron von Drachstedt)20CherbourgCologne, GermanyD-387male
52052011Nye, Mrs Elizabeth Ramell29SouthamptonFolkstone, Kent / New York, NYF-3311female
52152110Otter, Mr Richard39SouthamptonMiddleburg Heights, OHmale
52252211Oxenham, Mr Percy Thomas22SouthamptonPondersend, England / New Durham, NJmale
52352311Padro y Manent, Mr JulianNACherbourgSpain / Havana, Cubamale
52452410Pain, Dr Alfred24SouthamptonHamilton, ONmale
52552511Pallas y Castello, Mr EmilioNACherbourgSpain / Havana, Cubamale
52652610Parker, Mr Clifford R.28SouthamptonSt Andrews, Guernseymale
52752710Parkes, Mr Francis (Frank)NABelfastmale
52852811Parrish, Mrs Lutie Davis50SouthamptonWoodford County, KY12female
52952910Pengelly, Mr Frederick20SouthamptonGunnislake, England / Butte, MTmale
53053010Peruschitz, Rev. Joseph M.40Southamptonmale
53153111Phillips, Miss Alice42SouthamptonIlfracombe, Devon12female
53253210Phillips, Mr Robert21SouthamptonIlfracombe, Devonmale
53353311Pinsky, Miss Rosa32SouthamptonRussiafemale
53453410Ponesell, Mr Martin34SouthamptonDenmark / New York, NY250647male
53553511Portaluppi, Mr EmilioNACherbourgMilford, NHmale
53653610Pulbaum, Mr FrankNACherbourgParismale
53753711Quick, Mrs Frederick C. (Jane Richards)33SouthamptonPlymouth, Devon / Detroit, MI11female
53853811Quick, Miss Phyllis May2SouthamptonPlymouth, Devon / Detroit, MI11female
53953911Quick, Miss Winifred Vera8SouthamptonPlymouth, Devon / Detroit, MI11female
54054010Reeves, Mr David36SouthamptonBrighton, Sussexmale
54154110Renouf, Mr Peter Henry34SouthamptonElizabeth, NJmale
54254211Renouf, Mrs Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys)30SouthamptonElizabeth, NJfemale
54354311Reynaldo, Mrs Encarnacion28SouthamptonSpainfemale
54454410Richard, Mr Emil23CherbourgParis / Montreal, PQmale
54554511Richards, Master George Sidney0.8333SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OH4male
54654611Richards, Mrs Sidney (Emily Hocking)25SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OH4female
54754711Richards, Master William Rowe3SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OH4male
54854811Ridsdale, Miss Lucy50SouthamptonLondon, England / Marietta, Ohio and Milwaukee, WIfemale
54954910Rogers, Mr HarryNASouthamptonmale
55055011Rugg, Miss Emily21SouthamptonGuernsey / Wilmington, DE12female
55155110Sedgwick, Mr Charles Frederick WaddingtonNASouthamptonLiverpoolmale
55255210Sharp, Mr PercivalNASouthamptonHornsey, Englandmale
55355311Shelley, Mrs William (Imanita)25SouthamptonDeer Lodge, MT12female
55455411Silven, Miss Lyyli18SouthamptonFinland / Minneapolis, MNfemale
55555511Sincock, Miss Maude20SouthamptonCornwall / Hancock, MI11female
55655611Siukonnen, Miss Anna30SouthamptonFinland / Washington, DCfemale
55755710Sjostedt, Mr Ernst Adolf59SouthamptonSault St Marie, ONmale
55855811Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary30QueenstownHalifax, NS13female
55955910Slemen, Mr Richard James35SouthamptonCornwallmale
56056010Smith (Schmidt), Mr Augustus22SouthamptonNewark, NJmale
56156111Smith, Miss MarionNASouthamptonfemale
56256210Sobey, Mr Hayden25SouthamptonCornwall / Houghton, MImale
56356310Stanton, Mr Samuel Ward41CherbourgNew York, NYmale
56456410Stokes, Mr Philip Joseph25SouthamptonCatford, Kent / Detroit, MI(81)male
56556510Sweet, Mr George14SouthamptonSomerset / Bernardsville, NJmale
56656611Toomey, Miss Ellen50SouthamptonIndianapolis, IN9female
56756710Troupiansky, Mr Moses Aaron22Southamptonmale
56856811Trout, Mrs William H. (Jessie L.)NASouthamptonColumbus, OH9female
56956911Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia27SouthamptonBath, England / MassachusettsE-10134218 L10 10s16female
57057010Turpin, Mr William John29SouthamptonPlymouth, Englandmale
57157110Turpin, Mrs William John (Dorothy Anne Wonnacott)27SouthamptonPlymouth, Englandfemale
57257210Veale, Mr James30SouthamptonBarre, Co Washington, VTmale
57357310Waelens, Mr Achille22SouthamptonAntwerp, Belgium / Stanton, OH(140)male
57457411Walcroft, Miss Nellie35SouthamptonMamaroneck, NYfemale
57557510Ware, Mr John James30SouthamptonBristol, England / New Britain, CTmale
57657611Ware, Mrs John James (Florence Louise Long)28SouthamptonBristol, England / New Britain, CT12female
57757710Ware, Mr William J.23Southamptonmale
57857810Watson, Mr Ennis HastingsNASouthamptonBelfastmale
57957911Watt, Miss Bertha12SouthamptonAberdeen / Portland, OR9female
58058011Watt, Mrs James (Bessie Inglis Milne)40SouthamptonAberdeen / Portland, OR9female
58158111Webber, Miss Susan36SouthamptonEngland / Hartford, CTE-101female
58258210Weisz, Mr Leopold28SouthamptonBromsgrove, England / Montreal, PQ(293)male
58358311Weisz, Mrs Leopold (Mathilde)32SouthamptonBromsgrove, England / Montreal, PQfemale
58458411Wells, Mrs Arthur H. (Addie Trevaskis)29SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OHfemale
58558511Wells, Miss Joan4SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OHfemale
58658611Wells, Master Ralph Lester2SouthamptonCornwall / Akron, OHmale
58758711West, Miss Barbara J.NASouthamptonBournmouth, Englandfemale
58858811West, Miss Constance MiriumNASouthamptonBournmouth, Englandfemale
58958910West, Mr Edwy Arthur36SouthamptonBournmouth, Englandmale
59059011West, Mrs Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary)33SouthamptonBournmouth, Englandfemale
59159110Wheadon, Mr EdwardNASouthamptonGuernsey, England / Edgewood, RImale
59259210Wheeler, Mr EdwinNASouthamptonmale
59359310Wheeler, Mr FrederickNAmale
59459411Wilhelms, Mr Charles32SouthamptonLondon, England9male
59559511Wilkinson, Mrs Elizabeth AnneNASouthamptonManchester, Englandfemale
59659611Williams, Mr Charles EugeneNASouthamptonHarrow, England14male
59759711Wright, Miss Marion26SouthamptonYoevil, England / Cottage Grove, OR9female
59859810Yrois, Miss HenrietteNASouthamptonParisfemale
59959910Aldworth, Mr Charles Augustus30SouthamptonBryn Mawr, PA, USA248744 L13male
60060011Brown, Miss Mildred24SouthamptonLondon / Montreal, PQF-3311female
60160110Pernot, Mr ReneNACherbourg2131L15 1smale
60260210Swane, Mr George18SouthamptonF-?(294)male
60360300Abbing, Mr Anthony42Southamptonmale
60460400Abbott, Master Eugene Joseph13SouthamptonEast Providence, RImale
60560500Abbott, Mr Rossmore Edward16SouthamptonEast Providence, RI(190)male
60660601Abbott, Mrs Stanton (Rosa)35SouthamptonEast Providence, RIAfemale
60760701Abelseth, Miss Anna Karen16SouthamptonNorway Los Angeles, CA16female
60860801Abelseth, Mr Olaus25SouthamptonPerkins County, SDAmale
60960901Abraham, Mrs Joseph (Sophie Easu)18CherbourgGreensburg, PAfemale
61061001Abrahamsson, Mr August20SouthamptonTaalintehdas, Finland Hoboken, NJ15male
61161100Adahl, Mr Mauritz Nils Martin30SouthamptonAsarum, Sweden Brooklyn, NY7076(72)male
61261200Adams, Mr John26SouthamptonBournemouth, England(103)male
61361300Ahlin, Mrs Johanna Persdotter40SouthamptonSweden Akeley, MNfemale
61461400Ahmed, Mr Ali24Southamptonmale
61561500Aijo-Nirva, Mr Isak41SouthamptonFinland Sudbury, ONmale
61661601Aks, Mrs Sam (Leah Rosen)18SouthamptonLondon, England Norfolk, VA39209113female
61761701Aks, Master Philip0.8333SouthamptonLondon, England Norfolk, VA39209111male
61861800Alexander, Mr William23SouthamptonEngland Albion, NYmale
61961900Alhomaki, Mr Ilmari Rudolf20SouthamptonSalo, Finland Astoria, ORmale
62062000Ali, Mr William25SouthamptonArgentina(79)male
62162100Allen, Mr William Henry35SouthamptonLower Clapton, Middlesex or Erdington, Birminghammale
62262200Allum, Mr Owen George17SouthamptonWindsor, England New York, NY(259)male
62362300Andersen, Mr Albert Karvin32SouthamptonBergen, Norway(260)male
62462400Andersen, Mr Thor Olsvigen20SouthamptonOslo, Norway Cameron, WI(89)male
62562500Andersson, Mr Anders Johan39SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNmale
62662600Andersson, Mrs Anders Johan (Alfrida K. Brogren)39SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNfemale
62762700Andersson, Miss Ebba Iris6SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNfemale
62862800Andersson, Miss Ellis Anna Maria2SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNfemale
62962901Andersson, Miss Erna17SouthamptonRuotsinphyhtaa, Finland New York, NYfemale
63063000Andersson, Miss Ida Augusta Margareta38SouthamptonVadsbro, Sweden Ministee, MIfemale
63163100Andersson, Miss Ingeborg Constancia9SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNfemale
63263200Andersson, Mr Johan Samuel26SouthamptonHartford, CTmale
63363300Andersson, Miss Sigrid Elizabeth11SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNfemale
63463400Andersson, Master Sigvard Harald Elias4SouthamptonSweden Winnipeg, MNmale
63563500Andreasson, Mr Paul Edvin20SouthamptonSweden Chicago, ILmale
63663600Angheloff, Mr Minko26SouthamptonBulgaria Chicago, ILmale
63763700Arnold, Mr Josef25SouthamptonAltdorf, Switzerlandmale
63863800Arnold, Mrs Josef (Josephine Frank)18SouthamptonAltdorf, Switzerlandfemale
63963900Aronsson, Mr Ernst Axel Algot24SouthamptonSweden Joliet, ILmale
64064000Asim, Mr Adola35Southamptonmale
64164100Asplund, Mr Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson40SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MA(142)male
64264201Asplund, Mrs Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Johansson)38SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MA4female
64364300Asplund, Master Carl Edgar5SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MAmale
64464400Asplund, Master Clarence Gustaf Hugo9SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MAmale
64564501Aspland, Master Edvin Rojj Felix3SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MA4male
64664600Asplund, Master Filip Oscar13SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MAmale
64764701Asplund, Mr John Charles23SouthamptonOskarshamn, Sweden Minneapolis, MNmale
64864801Asplund, Miss Lillian Gertrud5SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MA4female
64964900Assaf, Mr GeriosNACherbourgOttawa, ONmale
65065001Assaf, Mrs Mariana45CherbourgOttawa, ONCfemale
65165100Assam, Mr Ali23Southamptonmale
65265200Attalah, Miss Malaka17Cherbourgfemale
65365300Attala (Kalil), Mr Solomon27CherbourgOttawa, ONmale
65465400Augustsson, Mr Albert23SouthamptonKrakoryd, Sweden Bloomington, ILmale
65565500Baccos, Mr Rafoul20Cherbourgmale
65665600Backstrom, Mr Karl Alfred32SouthamptonRuotsinphytaa, Finland New York, NYmale
65765701Backstrom, Mrs Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson)33SouthamptonRuotsinphytaa, Finland New York, NYfemale
65865801Baclini, Miss Eugenie3CherbourgSyria New York, NYfemale
65965901Baclini, Miss HeleneNACherbourgSyria New York, NYfemale
66066001Baclini, Miss MariaNACherbourgSyria New York, NYfemale
66166101Baclini, Mrs Solomon (Latifa)NACherbourgSyria New York, NYfemale
66266201Badman, Miss Emily Louisa18SouthamptonLondon Skanteales, NYfemale
66366300Badt, Mr Mohamed40Cherbourgmale
66466400Balkic, Mr Cerin26Southamptonmale
66566501Banoura, Miss Ayout15CherbourgSyria Youngstown, OHfemale
66666600Barbara, Mrs Catherine45CherbourgSyria Ottawa, ONfemale
66766700Barbara, Miss Saude18CherbourgSyria Ottawa, ONfemale
66866800Barry, Miss Julia27QueenstownNew York, NYfemale
66966900Barton Mr David22SouthamptonEngland New York, NYmale
67067000Beavan, Mr William Thomas19SouthamptonEnglandmale
67167100Bengtsson, Mr John Viktor26SouthamptonKrakudden, Sweden Moune, ILmale
67267200Berglund. Mr Karl Ivar Sven22SouthamptonTranvik, Finland New Yorkmale
67367300Betros, Mr Tannous20CherbourgSyriamale
67467401Bing, Mr Lee32SouthamptonHong Kong New York, NYmale
67567500Birkeland, Mr Hans21SouthamptonBrennes, Norway New Yorkmale
67667600Bjorklund, Ernst Herbert18SouthamptonStockholm, Sweden New Yorkmale
67767700Bostandyeff, Mr Guentcho26SouthamptonBulgaria Chicago, ILmale
67867800Boulos, Master Akar6CherbourgSyria Kent, ONmale
67967900Boulos, Mr HannaNACherbourgSyriamale
68068000Boulos, Mrs Joseph (Sultana)NACherbourgSyria Kent, ONfemale
68168100Boulos, Miss Laura9CherbourgSyria Kent, ONfemale
68268200Bourke, Mr John40QueenstownIreland Chicago, ILmale
68368300Bourke, Mrs John (Catherine)32QueenstownIreland Chicago, ILfemale
68468400Bourke, Miss MaryNAQueenstownIreland Chicago, ILfemale
68568500Bowen, Mr David26SouthamptonTreherbert, Cardiff, Walesmale
68668601Bradley, Miss Bridget Delia18QueenstownKingwilliamstown, Co Cork, Ireland Glens Falls, NY13female
68768700Braf, Miss Elin Ester Maria20SouthamptonMedeltorp, Sweden Chicago, ILfemale
68868800Brahim, Mr YoussefNACherbourgmale
68968900Braund, Mr Lewis Richard29SouthamptonBridgerule, Devonmale
69069000Braund, Mr Owen Harris22SouthamptonBridgerule, Devonmale
69169100Brobek, Mr Karl Rudolf22SouthamptonSweden Worcester, MAmale
69269200Brocklebank, Mr William Alfred35SouthamptonBroomfield, Chelmsford, Englandmale
69369301Buckley, Mr Daniel21QueenstownKingwilliamstown, Co Cork, Ireland New York, NYmale
69469400Buckley, Miss Katherine20QueenstownCo Cork, Ireland Roxbury, MA(299)female
69569500Burke, Mr Jeremiah19QueenstownCo Cork, Ireland Charlestown, MAmale
69669600Burns, Miss Mary Delia18QueenstownCo Sligo, Ireland New York, NYfemale
69769700Cacic, Mr Grego18SouthamptonCroatiamale
69869800Cacic, Mr Luka38SouthamptonCroatiamale
69969900Cacic, Mr MandaNASouthamptonCroatiamale
70070000Cacic, Mr Maria30SouthamptonCroatiamale
70170100Calic, Mr Peter17Southamptonmale
70270200Canavan, Miss Mary21Queenstownfemale
70370300Canavan, Mr Patrick21QueenstownIreland Philadelphia, PAmale
70470400Cann, Mr Ernest21Southamptonmale
70570500Caram (Kareem), Mr JosephNACherbourgOttawa, ONmale
70670600Caram (Kareem), Mrs Joseph (Maria Elias)NACherbourgOttawa, ONfemale
70770700Carlsson, Mr Carl Robert24SouthamptonGoteborg, Sweden Huntley, ILmale
70870800Carlsson, Mr Frans Olof33SouthamptonNew York, NYmale
70970900Carlsson, Mr Julius33Southamptonmale
71071000Carlsson, Mr August Sigfrid28SouthamptonDagsas, Sweden Fower, MNmale
71171101Carr, Miss Helen16QueenstownCo Longford, Ireland New York, NYfemale
71271200Carr, Miss Jeannie37QueenstownCo Sligo, Ireland Hartford, CTfemale
71371300Carver, Mr Alfred John28SouthamptonSt Denys, Southampton, Hantsmale
71471401Cassem, Mr Nassef BelmenlyNACherbourgSyria Fredericksburg, VAmale
71571500Celotti, Mr Francesco24SouthamptonLondonmale
71671600Chartens, Mr David21SouthamptonIreland New York, NYmale
71771700Chebab, Mr Emir FarresNACherbourgmale
71871800Chip, Mr Chang32SouthamptonHong Kong New York, NYmale
71971900Christmann, Mr Emil29Southamptonmale
72072000Chronopoulos, Mr Apostolos26CherbourgGreecemale
72172100Chronopoulos, Mr Demetrios18CherbourgGreecemale
72272200Coelho, Mr Domingos Fernandes20SouthamptonPortugalmale
72372301Cohen, Mr Gurshon (Gus)19SouthamptonLondon Brooklyn, NYmale
72472400Colbert, Mr Patrick24QueenstownCo Limerick, Ireland Sherbrooke, PQmale
72572500Coleff, Mr Fotio24Southamptonmale
72672600Coleff, Mr Peyo36SouthamptonBulgaria Chicago, ILmale
72772700Conlin, Mr Thomas Henry31QueenstownPhiladelphia, PAmale
72872800Connaghton, Mr Michael31QueenstownIreland Brooklyn, NYmale
72972900Connolly, Miss Kate30QueenstownIrelandfemale
73073001Connolly, Miss Kate22QueenstownIrelandfemale
73173100Connors, Mr PatrickNAQueenstown(171)male
73273200Cook, Mr Jacob43Southamptonmale
73373300Cor, Mr Bartol35SouthamptonAustriamale
73473400Cor, Mr Ivan27SouthamptonAustriamale
73573500Cor, Mr Ludovik19SouthamptonAustriamale
73673600Corn, Mr Harry30SouthamptonLondonmale
73773701Coutts, Mrs William (Minnie)36SouthamptonEngland Brooklyn, NY2female
73873801Coutts, Master Neville3SouthamptonEngland Brooklyn, NY2male
73973901Coutts, Master William Leslie9SouthamptonEngland Brooklyn, NY2male
74074000Coxon, Mr Daniel59SouthamptonMerrill, WImale
74174100Crease, Mr Ernest James19SouthamptonBristol, England Cleveland, OHmale
74274200Cribb, Mr John Hatfield44SouthamptonBournemouth, England Newark, NJmale
74374301Cribb, Miss Laura Alice17SouthamptonBournemouth, England Newark, NJfemale
74474400Daher, Mr TannousNACherbourgmale
74574501Dahl, Mr Charles Edward45SouthamptonAustralia Fingal, ND15male
74674600Dahlberg, Miss Gerda Ulrika22SouthamptonNorrlot, Sweden Chicago, ILfemale
74774700Dakic, Mr Branko19SouthamptonAustriamale
74874801Daly, Mr Eugene29QueenstownCo Athlone, Ireland New York, NYBmale
74974901Daly, Miss Marcella30QueenstownCo Athlone, Ireland New York, NYfemale
75075000Danbom, Mr Ernst Gilbert34SouthamptonStanton, IAmale
75175100Danbom, Mrs Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren)28SouthamptonStanton, IAfemale
75275200Danbom, Master Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel0.3333SouthamptonStanton, IAmale
75375300Danoff, Mr Yoto27SouthamptonBulgaria Chicago, ILmale
75475400Dantchoff, Mr Khristo25SouthamptonBulgaria Chicago, ILmale
75575500Davies, Mr Alfred24SouthamptonWest Bromwich, England Pontiac, MImale
75675600Davies, Mr Evan22Southamptonmale
75775700Davies, Mr John21SouthamptonWest Bromwich, England Pontiac, MImale
75875800Davies, Mr Joseph17SouthamptonWest Bromwich, England Pontiac, MImale
75975900Davison, Mr Thomas HenryNASouthamptonLiverpool, England Bedford, OHmale
76076001Davison, Mrs Thomas Henry (Mary Finck)NASouthamptonLiverpool, England Bedford, OHfemale
76176100Dean, Mr Bertram26SouthamptonDevon, England Wichita, KSmale
76276201Dean, Mrs Bertram (Eva)33SouthamptonDevon, England Wichita, KS12female
76376301Dean, Master Bertram Vere1SouthamptonDevon, England Wichita, KS12male
76476401Dean, Miss Elizabeth Gladys (Millvena)0.1667SouthamptonDevon, England Wichita, KS12female
76576500Delalic, Mr Regyo25Southamptonmale
76676601De Messemaeker, Mr William Joseph36SouthamptonTampico, MT15male
76776701De Messemaeker, Mrs William Joseph (Anna)36SouthamptonTampico, MT13female
76876801De Mulder, Mr Theo30SouthamptonBelgium Detroit, MImale
76976900Denkoff, Mr MitoNASouthamptonBulgaria Coon Rapids, IAmale
77077000Dennis, Mr Samuel23Southamptonmale
77177100Dennis, Mr William26Southamptonmale
77277201Devaney, Miss Margaret19QueenstownKilmacowen, Co Sligo, Ireland New York, NYCfemale
77377300Dewan, Mr Frank65Queenstownmale
77477400Dibo, Mr EliasNACherbourgmale
77577500Dimic, Mr Jovan42Southamptonmale
77677600Dintcheff, Mr Valtcho43Southamptonmale
77777700Dooley, Mr Patrick32QueenstownIreland New York, NYmale
77877801Dorkings, Mr Edward Arthur19SouthamptonEngland Oglesby, ILBmale
77977901Dowdell, Miss Elizabeth30SouthamptonUnion Hill, NJ13female
78078000Doyle, Miss Elizabeth24QueenstownIreland New York, NYfemale
78178101Drapkin, Miss Jennie23SouthamptonLondon New York, NYfemale
78278200Drazonovic, Mr JosefNACherbourgAustria Niagara Falls, NYmale
78378301Driscoll, Miss Bridget24QueenstownBallydehob, Co Cork, Ireland New York, NYfemale
78478401Duquemin, Mr Joseph24SouthamptonEngland Albion, NYDmale
78578500Dyker, Mr Adolf Fredrik23SouthamptonWest Haven, CTmale
78678601Dyker, Mrs Adolf Fredrik (Anna Elizabeth Judith Andersson)22SouthamptonWest Haven, CTfemale
78778700Econovic, Mr JosoNASouthamptonAustria-Hungarymale
78878800Edvardsson, Mr Gustaf Hjalmar18SouthamptonTofta, Sweden Joliet, ILmale
78978900Eklund, Mr Hans Linus16SouthamptonKarberg, Sweden Jerome Junction, AZmale
79079000Ekstrom, Mr Johan45SouthamptonEffington Rut, SDmale
79179100Elias, Mr EliasNACherbourgSyriamale
79279200Elias, Mr JohnNACherbourgSyriamale
79379300Elias, Mr JosephNACherbourgSyria Ottawa, ONmale
79479400Elsbury, Mr James47SouthamptonIllinois, USAmale
79579501Emanuel, Miss Virginia Ethel5SouthamptonNew York, NY13female
79679600Emmeth, Mr ThomasNASouthamptonmale
79779700Everett, Thomas JamesNASouthamptonmale
79879800Farrell, Mr JamesNAQueenstownAughnacliff, Co Longford, Ireland New York, NYmale
79979901Finoli, Mr LuigiNASouthamptonItaly Philadelphia, PAmale
80080000Fischer, Mr Eberhard TelanderNASouthamptonmale
80180100Flynn, Mr JamesNAQueenstownmale
80280200Flynn, Mr JohnNAQueenstownmale
80380300Foley, Mr JosephNAQueenstownIreland Chicago, ILmale
80480400Foley, Mr WilliamNAQueenstownIrelandmale
80580501Foo, Mr ChoongNASouthamptonHong Kong New York, NYmale
80680600Ford, Mr ArthurNASouthamptonBridgwater, Somerset, Englandmale
80780700Ford, Miss Doolina Margaret21SouthamptonRotherfield, Sussex, England Essex Co, MAfemale
80880800Ford, Mr Edward Watson18SouthamptonRotherfield, Sussex, England Essex Co, MAmale
80980900Ford, Miss Maggie9SouthamptonRotherfield, Sussex, England Essex Co, MAfemale
81081000Ford, Mrs Edward (Margaret Ann)48SouthamptonRotherfield, Sussex, England Essex Co, MAfemale
81181100Ford, Mr Neil Watson16SouthamptonRotherfield, Sussex, England Essex Co, MAmale
81281200Fox, Mr PatrickNAQueenstownIreland New York, NYmale
81381300Franklin, Mr CharlesNASouthamptonmale
81481400Gallagher, Mr Martin25QueenstownNew York, NYmale
81581500Garfirth, Mr JohnNASouthamptonmale
81681601Georges, Mrs Shahini WeappiNACherbourgYoungstown, OHfemale
81781700Gilinski, Mr Leslie22Southamptonmale
81881801Gilnagh, Miss Katie16QueenstownCo Longford, Ireland New York, NYfemale
81981901Glynn, Miss Mary AgathaNAQueenstownCo Clare, Ireland Washington, DC13female
82082000Goldsmith, Mr Frank John33SouthamptonStrood, Kent, England Detroit, MImale
82182101Goldsmith, Mrs Frank John (Emily A. Brown)NASouthamptonStrood, Kent, England Detroit, MICfemale
82282201Goldsmith, Master Frank John William9SouthamptonStrood, Kent, England Detroit, MICmale
82382300Goldsmith, Mr Nathan41SouthamptonPhiladelphia, PAmale
82482400Goncalves, Mr Manuel Estanslas38SouthamptonPortugalmale
82582500Goodwin, Mr Frederick40SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYmale
82682600Goodwin, Mrs Frederick (Augusta)43SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYfemale
82782700Goodwin, Mr Charles E.14SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYmale
82882800Goodwin, Miss Lillian A.16SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYfemale
82982900Goodwin, Master Harold V.9SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYmale
83083000Goodwin, Miss Jessie A.10SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYfemale
83183100Goodwin, Master Sidney L.6SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYmale
83283200Goodwin, Master William F.11SouthamptonWiltshire, England Niagara Falls, NYmale
83383300Green, Mr George40SouthamptonDorking, Surrey, Englandmale
83483400Gronnestad, Mr Daniel Danielsen32SouthamptonForesvik, Norway Portland, NDmale
83583500Guest, Mr RobertNASouthamptonmale
83683600Gustafsson, Mr Alfred Ossian20SouthamptonWaukegan, Chicago, ILmale
83783700Gustafsson, Mr Anders Vilhelm37SouthamptonRuotsinphytaa, Finland New York, NYmale
83883800Gustafsson, Mr Johan Birger28SouthamptonRuotsinphytaa, Finland New York, NYmale
83983900Gustafsson, Mr Karl Gideon19SouthamptonMyren, Sweden New York, NYmale
84084000Haas, Miss AloisiaNAfemale
84184100Hagardon, Miss KateNAfemale
84284200Hagland, Mr Ingvald OlsenNAmale
84384300Hagland, Mr Konrad Mathias ReiersenNAmale
84484400Hakkarainen, Mr Pekko PietariNAmale
84584501Hakkarainen, Mrs Pekko PietariNAfemale
84684600Hampe, Mr LeonNAmale
84784700Hansen, Mr Claus PeterNAmale
84884801Hansen, Mrs Claus PeterNAfemale
84984900Hansen, Mr Henrik JuulNAmale
85085000Hansen, Mr Henry DamsgaardNAmale
85185100Harknett, Miss AliceNAfemale
85285200Harmer, Mr AbrahamNAmale
85385300Hart, Mr HenryNAmale
85485400Hassan, Mr M. HousseinNAmale
85585500Healy, Miss NoraNAfemale
85685601Hedman, Mr OscarNAmale
85785700Hee, Mr LingNAmale
85885800Hegarty, Miss NoraNAfemale
85985901Heikkinen, Miss LainaNAfemale
86086000Heininen, Miss Wendla MariaNAfemale
86186101Hellstrom, Hilda MariaNAfemale
86286200Hemming, Miss NoraNAfemale
86386300Hendekovic, Mr IgnazNAmale
86486400Henery, DeliaNAfemale
86586500Henriksson, Jenny LovisaNAfemale
86686601Hirvonen, Mrs AlexanderNAfemale
86786700Hirvonen, Miss Hildur E.NAfemale
86886800Holm, Mr John Frederik AlexanderNAmale
86986900Holthen, Mr Johan MartinNAmale
87087001Honkanen, Miss ElunaNAfemale
87187100Horgan, Mr JohnNAmale
87287201Howard, Miss MayNAfemale
87387300Humblin, Mr Adolf Mathias Nicolai OlsenNAmale
87487401Hyman, Mr AbrahamNAmale
87587500Ilieff, Mr YlioNAmale
87687600Ilmakangas, Miss Ida LivijaNAfemale
87787700Ilmakangas, Miss Pieta SofiaNAfemale
87887800Ivanoff, Mr KonioNAmale
87987901Jansen, Mr Carl OlofNAmale
88088000Jardin, Mr Jose NettoNAmale
88188101Jensen, Miss Carla ChristineNAfemale
88288200Jensen, Mr Hans PederNAmale
88388300Jensen, Mr Niels PederNAmale
88488400Jensen, Mr Svend LauritzNAmale
88588501Jermyn, Miss AnnieNAfemale
88688600Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr BerntNAmale
88788700Johanson, Mr Jakob AlfredNAmale
88888800Johansson, Mr ErikNAmale
88988900Johansson, Mr Gustaff JoelNAmale
89089001Johansson, Mr Karl JohanNAmale
89189100Johansson, Mr NilsNAmale
89289201Johansson, Oscar L.NAmale
89389300Johnson, Mr AlfredNAmale
89489401Johnson, Miss Eleanor IleenNAfemale
89589500Johnson, Mr Malkolm JoackimNAmale
89689601Johnson, Master Harold TheodorNAmale
89789700Johnson, Mrs Oscar W.NAfemale
89889800Johnson, Mr William Cahoone Jr.NAmale
89989900Johnston, Mr Andrew G.NAmale
90090000Johnston, Mrs Andrew G.NAfemale
90190100Johnston, Miss Catherine H.NAfemale
90290200Johnston, Master William A.NAmale
90390300Jonkoff, Mr LazorNAmale
90490401Jonsson, Mr CarlNAmale
90590500Jonsson, Nils HildingNAmale
90690600Jussila, Miss Aina MariaNAfemale
90790701Jussila, Mr ErikNAmale
90890800Jussila, Miss KatriinaNAfemale
90990900Kallio, Mr Nikolai ErlandNAmale
91091000Kalvig, Mr Johannes K. HalversonNAmale
91191100Karajic, Mr MilanNAmale
91291201Karlsson, Mr Einar GervasiusNAmale
91391300Karlsson, Mr Julius Konrad EugenNAmale
91491400Karlsson, Mr Nils AugustNAmale
91591501Karun, Miss Anna MaryNAfemale
91691600Karun, Mr FranzNAmale
91791700Kassem, Mr FaredNAmale
91891800Keane, Mr AndrewNAmale
91991900Keefe, Mr ArthurNAmale
92092000Kekic, Mr TidoNAmale
92192101Kelly, Miss Anna KateNAfemale
92292200Kelly, Mr JamesNAmale
92392300Kelly, Mr JamesNAmale
92492401Kelly, Miss MaryNAfemale
92592500Kennedy, Mr JohnNAmale
92692600Khalil, Mr BetrosNAmale
92792700Khalil, Mrs BetrosNAfemale
92892800Khalil, Mr SaadNAmale
92992900Kiernan, Mr JohnNAmale
93093000Kiernan, Mr PhilipNAmale
93193100Kilgannon, Mr ThomasNAmale
93293201Kink, Mr AntonNAmale
93393300Kink, Mrs Anton (Louise Heilmann)NAfemale
93493401Kink, Miss Louise GretchenNAfemale
93593500Kink, Miss MariaNAfemale
93693600Kink, Mr VincenzNAmale
93793700Klasen, Miss Gertrud EmiliaNAfemale
93893800Klasen, Mrs Hulda KristinaNAfemale
93993900Klasen, Mr Klas AlbinNAmale
94094000Kraeff, Mr TheodorNAmale
94194101Krekorian, Mr NeshanNAmale
94294200Lahowd, Mr SarkisNAmale
94394300Laitinen, Miss Kritina SofiaNAfemale
94494400Laleff, Mr KristoNAmale
94594501Lam, Mr AliNAmale
94694600Lam, Mr LenNAmale
94794701Landegren, Miss Aurora AdeliaNAfemale
94894800Lane, Mr PatrickNAmale
94994901Lang, Mr FangNAmale
95095000Larsson, Mr August ViktorNAmale
95195100Larsson, Mr Bengt EdvinNAmale
95295200Larsson-Rondberg, Mr EdvardNAmale
95395301Leeni, Mr FahimNAmale
95495400Lefebre, Mrs FrankNAfemale
95595500Lefebre, Master HenryNAmale
95695600Lefebre, Miss IdaNAfemale
95795700Lefebre, Miss JeannieNAfemale
95895800Lefebre, Miss MathildeNAfemale
95995900Leinonen, Mr Antti GustafNAmale
96096000Lemberopolous, Mr Peter L.NAmale
96196100Lemom, Mr DenisNAmale
96296200Lemon, Miss MaryNAfemale
96396300Leonard, Mr LionelNAmale
96496400Lester, Mr JamesNAmale
96596500Lindahl, Miss Agda V.NAfemale
96696600Lindblom, Miss Augusta CharlottaNAfemale
96796700Lindell, Mr Edvard BengtssonNAmale
96896800Lindell, Mrs Edvard BengtssonNAfemale
96996901Lindqvist, Eino WilliamNAmale
97097000Linehan, Mr MichaelNAmale
97197100Ling, Mr LeeNAmale
97297200Lithman, Mr SimonNAmale
97397300Lobb, Mr William ArthurNAmale
97497400Lobb, Mrs William ArthurNAfemale
97597500Lockyer, Mr EdwardNAmale
97697600Lovell, Mr JohnNAmale
97797701Lulich, Mr NicolaNAmale
97897800Lundahl, Mr JohanNAmale
97997901Lundin, Miss Olga ElidaNAfemale
98098000Lundstrom, Mr Thure EdvinNAmale
98198100Lyntakoff, Mr StankoNAmale
98298200MacKay, Mr George WilliamNAmale
98398301Madigan, Miss MargaretNAfemale
98498400Madsen, Mr FrithiofNAmale
98598500Maenpaa, Mr Matti AlexanteriNAmale
98698600Mahon, Miss DeliaNAfemale
98798700Maisner, Mr SimonNAmale
98898800Makinen, Mr Kalle EdvardNAmale
98998901Mamee, Mr HannaNAmale
99099000Mangan, Miss MaryNAfemale
99199101Mannion, Miss MargarethNAfemale
99299200Mansour, Mr HannaNAmale
99399300Mardirosian, Mr SarkisNAmale
99499400Marinko, Mr DmitriNAmale
99599500Markim, Mr JohannNAmale
99699600Markoff, Mr MarinNAmale
99799701Masselmany, Mrs FatimaNAfemale
99899800Matinoff, Mr NicolaNAmale
99999901McCarthy, Miss KatieNAfemale
1000100000McCormack, Mr Thomas J.NAmale
1001100100McCoy, Miss AgnesNAfemale
1002100200McCoy, Miss AliceNAfemale
1003100300McCoy, Mr BernardNAmale
1004100400McDermott, Miss DeliaNAfemale
1005100500McElroy, Mr MichaelNAmale
1006100601McGovern, Mrs HughNAfemale
1007100700McGowan, Miss AnnaNAfemale
1008100800McGowan, Miss KatherineNAfemale
1009100900McMahon, Mr MartinNAmale
1010101000McNamee, Mr NealNAmale
1011101100McNamee, Mrs NealNAfemale
1012101200Meanwell, Miss Marion OgdenNAfemale
1013101300Mechen, Mr JohnNAmale
1014101400Meek, Mrs ThomasNAfemale
1015101500Melkebuk, Mrs PhilemonNAfemale
1016101600Meo, Mr AlfonsoNAmale
1017101701Midtsjo, Mr Karl AlbertNAmale
1018101800Mihoff, Mr StoytchoNAmale
1019101900Miles, Mr FrankNAmale
1020102000Mineff, Mr IvanNAmale
1021102100Minkoff, Mr LazarNAmale
1022102200Mirko, Mr DikaNAmale
1023102300Mitkoff, Mr MitoNAmale
1024102401Mocklare, Miss Helen MaryNAfemale
1025102500Moen, Mr Sigurd H.NAmale
1026102601Moor, Mrs BeilaNAfemale
1027102700Moor, Master MeierNAmale
1028102800Moore, Mr Leonard CharlesNAmale
1029102901Moran, Miss BerthaNAfemale
1030103000Moran, Mr Daniel J.NAmale
1031103100Moran, Mr JamesNAmale
1032103200Morley, Mr Henry SamuelNAmale
1033103300Morrow, Mr Thomas RowanNAmale
1034103401Moubarek (Borak), Mr Hanna (John)NAmale
1035103500Moubarek, Mrs GeorgeNAfemale
1036103600Moubarek, Master GeorgeNAmale
1037103700Moubarek, Master William GeorgeNAmale
1038103800Moss, Albert JohanNAmale
1039103900Moussa, Mrs Mantoura BaloicsNAfemale
1040104000Moutal, Mr RahaminNAmale
1041104101Mullins, Miss KatieNAfemale
1042104200Mulvihill, Miss Bertha E.NAfemale
1043104300Murdlin, Mr JosephNAmale
1044104400Murphy, Miss KatherineNAfemale
1045104500Murphy, Miss MargaretNAfemale
1046104600Murphy, Miss NoraNAfemale
1047104700Myhrman, Mr Pehr Fabian Oliver MalkolmNAmale
1048104801Nackid, Miss MariaNAfemale
1049104900Nackid, Mr SaidNAmale
1050105000Nackid, Mrs SaidNAfemale
1051105100Nahill, Mr ToufikNAmale
1052105200Naidenoff, Mr PenkoNAmale
1053105300Nancarrow, W. H.NAmale
1054105400Niklasen, SanderNAmale
1055105500Nosworthy, Richard C.NAmale
1056105601Najib, Miss Adele KiamieNAfemale
1057105700Nancarrow, Mr William HenryNAmale
1058105800Nankoff, Mr MinkoNAmale
1059105900Nasr, Mr MustafaNAmale
1060106000Nassr, Mr Saade JeanNAmale
1061106100Naughton, Miss HannahNAfemale
1062106200Nemaugh, Mr RobertNAmale
1063106300Nenkoff, Mr ChristoNAmale
1064106401Nicola-Yarred, Miss JamilaNAfemale
1065106500Nicola-Yarred, Master EliasNAmale
1066106600Nieminen, Miss Manta JosefinaNAfemale
1067106700Niklasson, Mr SamuelNAmale
1068106800Nilsson, Mr August FerdinandNAmale
1069106901Nilsson, Miss Berta OliviaNAfemale
1070107000Nilsson, Miss Helmina JosefinaNAfemale
1071107100Niskanen, Mr JohanNAmale
1072107200Nosworthy, Mr Richard CaterNAmale
1073107301Novel, MansouerNAmale
1074107400Nysten, Miss AnnaNAfemale
1075107500Nysveen, Mr Johan H.NAmale
1076107600O'Brien, Mr DenisNAmale
1077107700O'Brien, Mr ThomasNAmale
1078107801O'Brien, Mrs ThomasNAfemale
1079107900O'Connell, Mr Patrick D.NAmale
1080108000O'Connor, Mr MauriceNAmale
1081108100O'Connor, Mr PatrickNAmale
1082108201Odahl, Mr Nils MartinNAmale
1083108300O'Dwyer, Miss NellieNAfemale
1084108400Ohman, Miss VelinNAfemale
1085108500O'Keefe, Mr PatrickNAmale
1086108600OLeary, Miss NorahNAfemale
1087108700Olsen, Master ArthurNAmale
1088108800Olsen, Mr Charlie (Carl)NAmale
1089108900Olsen, Mr Henry MargidoNAmale
1090109000Olsen, Mr Ole M.NAmale
1091109100Olsson, Miss ElidaNAfemale
1092109200Olsson, Mr Nils JohanNAmale
1093109301Olsson, Mr Oscar JohanssonNAmale
1094109400O'Neill, Miss BridgetNAfemale
1095109500Oreskovic, Mr JekoNAmale
1096109600Oreskovic, Mr LukaNAmale
1097109700Oreskovic, Mr MariaNAmale
1098109800Osen, Mr Olof ElonNAmale
1099109901Osman, Miss MariaNAfemale
1100110000O'Sullivan, Miss BridgetNAfemale
1101110100Panula, Mr Ernesti ArvidNAmale
1102110200Panula, Mr Jaako ArnoldNAmale
1103110300Panula, Master Juha NiiloNAmale
1104110400Panula, Mrs JohnNAfemale
1105110500Panula, Master Urho AbrahamNAmale
1106110600Panula, Master WilliamNAmale
1107110700Pasic, Mr JakobNAmale
1108110800Paulner, Mr UscherNAmale
1109110900Paulsson, Master Gosta LeonardNAmale
1110111000Paulsson, Mrs NilsNAfemale
1111111100Paulsson, Master Paul FolkeNAmale
1112111200Paulsson, Miss Stina ViolaNAfemale
1113111300Paulsson, Miss Torborg DaniraNAfemale
1114111400Pavlovic, Mr StefoNAmale
1115111500Peacock, Master Alfred EdwardNAmale
1116111600Peacock, Mrs BenjaminNAfemale
1117111700Peacock, Miss TreasteallNAfemale
1118111800Pearce, Mr ErnestNAmale
1119111900Pecruic, Mr MateNAmale
1120112000Pecruic, Mr TomeNAmale
1121112100Pedersen, Mr OlafNAmale
1122112200Peduzzi, Mr JosephNAmale
1123112301Pekoniemi, Mr EdvardNAmale
1124112400Peltomaki, Nikolai JohannesNAmale
1125112500Perkin, Mr John HenryNAmale
1126112601Persson, Mr Ernst UlrikNAmale
1127112700Peter (Joseph), Miss MaryNAfemale
1128112800Peter (Joseph), Mrs CatherineNAfemale
1129112900Peter (Joseph), Master Michael J.NAmale
1130113000Peters, Miss KatieNAfemale
1131113100Petersen, Mr MariusNAmale
1132113200Petranec, Miss MatildaNAfemale
1133113300Petroff, Mr NedecaNAmale
1134113400Petroff, Mr PentchoNAmale
1135113500Pettersson, Miss Ellen NataliaNAfemale
1136113600Peterson, Mr Johan EmilNAmale
1137113701Pickard (Trembisky), Mr BerkNAmale
1138113800Plotharsky, Mr VasilNAmale
1139113900Potchett, Mr GeorgeNAmale
1140114000Radeff, Mr AlexanderNAmale
1141114100Raibid, Mr RaziNAmale
1142114200Reed, Mr James GeorgeNAmale
1143114300Reynolds, Mr HaroldNAmale
1144114400Rice, Master AlbertNAmale
1145114500Rice, Master ArthurNAmale
1146114600Rice, Master GeorgeNAmale
1147114700Rice, Master EricNAmale
1148114800Rice, Master EugeneNAmale
1149114900Rice, Mrs WilliamNAfemale
1150115000Riihiivouri, Miss SanniNAfemale
1151115100Rintamaki, Mr MattiNAmale
1152115201Riordan, Miss HannahNAfemale
1153115300Risien, Mr SamuelNAmale
1154115400Risien, Mrs SamuelNAfemale
1155115500Robins, Mr Alexander A.NAmale
1156115600Robins, Mrs Alexander A.NAfemale
1157115700Rommetvedt, Mr Karl Kristian KnutNAmale
1158115800Rogers, Mr William JohnNAmale
1159115900Rosblom, Mrs ViktorNAfemale
1160116000Rosblom, Miss Salli HelenaNAfemale
1161116100Rosblom, Mr Viktor RickardNAmale
1162116201Roth, Miss SarahNAfemale
1163116300Rouse, Mr Richard HenryNAmale
1164116400Rush, Mr Alfred George JohnNAmale
1165116501Ryan, Mr Edward RyanNAmale
1166116600Ryan, Mr PatrickNAmale
1167116700Saad, Mr AminNAmale
1168116801Saad, KhalilNAmale
1169116900Sadlier, Mr MatthewNAmale
1170117000Sadowitz, Mr HarryNAmale
1171117100Sage, Miss AdaNAfemale
1172117200Sage, Miss ConstanceNAfemale
1173117300Sage, Miss DorothyNAfemale
1174117400Sage, Mr DouglasNAmale
1175117500Sage, Mr FrederickNAmale
1176117600Sage, Mr GeorgeNAmale
1177117700Sage, Mr JohnNAmale
1178117800Sage, Mrs JohnNAfemale
1179117900Sage, Miss StellaNAfemale
1180118000Sage, Thomas (child)NAmale
1181118100Sage, Master WilliamNAmale
1182118200Salander, Mr Karl JohanNAmale
1183118301Salkjelsvik, Miss AnnaNAfemale
1184118400Salonen, Mr Johan WernerNAmale
1185118500Samaan, Mr EliasNAmale
1186118600Samaan, Mr HannaNAmale
1187118700Samaan, Mr YoussefNAmale
1188118801Sandstrom, Miss HjalmarNAfemale
1189118900Sandstrom, Miss Beatrice IreneNAfemale
1190119000Sandstrom, Miss Marguerite RutNAfemale
1191119100Sather, Simon SivertsenNAmale
1192119200Saundercock, William HenryNAmale
1193119300Sawyer, Mr FrederickNAmale
1194119400Scanlan, Mr JamesNAmale
1195119500Sdycoff, Mr TodorNAmale
1196119600Seman Master BetrosNAmale
1197119700Serota, Mr MauriceNAmale
1198119800Shaughnesay, Mr PatrickNAmale
1199119900Shedid (Sitik), Mr Daher (Docart)NAmale
1200120001Sheerlinck, Mr JeanNAmale
1201120100Shellard, Mr Frederick B.NAmale
1202120201Shine, Miss EllenNAfemale
1203120300Shorney, Mr CharlesNAmale
1204120400Simmons, Mr JohnNAmale
1205120500Sirayanian, Mr ArsunNAmale
1206120600Sivic, Mr HusenNAmale
1207120700Sivola, Mr AnttiNAmale
1208120801Sjoblom, Miss Anna SofiaNAfemale
1209120900Sholt, Mr Peter Andreas Lauritz AndersenNAmale
1210121000Skinner, Mr Henry JohnNAmale
1211121100Skoog, Master HaraldNAmale
1212121200Skoog, Master KarlNAmale
1213121300Skoog, Miss MabelNAfemale
1214121400Skoog, Miss MargitNAfemale
1215121500Skoog, Mr WilliamNAmale
1216121600Skoog, Mrs WilliamNAfemale
1217121700Slabenoff, Mr PetcoNAmale
1218121800Slocovski, Mr SelmanNAmale
1219121900Smiljanovic, Mr MileNAmale
1220122001Smyth, Miss JuliaNAfemale
1221122100Solvang, Mrs Lena JacobsenNAfemale
1222122200Somerton, Mr Francis WilliamNAmale
1223122301Sop, Mr JulesNAmale
1224122400Spector, Mr WoolfNAmale
1225122500Staneff, Mr IvanNAmale
1226122600Stankovic, Mr JovanNAmale
1227122701Stanley, Miss Amy Zilla ElsieNAfemale
1228122800Stanley, Mr Edward RolandNAmale
1229122900Storey, Mr ThomasNAmale
1230123000Stoyehoff, Mr IliaNAmale
1231123100Strandberg, Miss Ida SofiaNAfemale
1232123201Stranden, Mr JuhoNAmale
1233123300Strilic, Mr IvanNAmale
1234123400Strom, Mrs WilhelmNAfemale
1235123500Strom, Miss Telma (Selma) MatildaNAfemale
1236123601Sunderland, Mr Victor FrancisNAmale
1237123700Sundman, Mr Johan JulianNAmale
1238123800Sutehall, Mr Henry, JrNAmale
1239123900Svensson, Mr JohanNAmale
1240124001Svensson, Mr Johan CervinNAmale
1241124100Svensson, Mr OlofNAmale
1242124200Tannous, Mr ThomasNAmale
1243124301Tenglin, Mr Gunnar IsidorNAmale
1244124400Theobald, Mr Thomas LeonardNAmale
1245124501Thomas, Mrs AlexanderNAfemale
1246124600Thomas, Master Assad AlexanderNAmale
1247124700Thomas, Mr CharlesNAmale
1248124800Thomas, Mr John, JrNAmale
1249124900Thomas, Mr John (? 1st/2nd class)NAmale
1250125000Thomson, Mr AlexanderNAmale
1251125100Thorneycroft, Mr PercivalNAmale
1252125201Thorneycroft, Mrs PercivalNAfemale
1253125300Tikkanen, Mr JuhoNAmale
1254125400Tobin, Mr RogerNAmale
1255125500Todoroff, Mr LalioNAmale
1256125600Toerber, Mr Ernest WilliamNAmale
1257125700Tomlin, Mr Ernest PortageNAmale
1258125800Torfa, Mr AssadNAmale
1259125901Tornquist, Mr William HenryNAmale
1260126000Touma (Thomas), Mrs DarwinNAfemale
1261126100Touma (Thomas), Master GeorgeNAmale
1262126200Touma (Thomas), Miss HannahNAfemale
1263126300Turcin, Mr StefanNAmale
1264126401Turja, Miss Anna SofiaNAfemale
1265126500Turkula, Mrs HedvigNAfemale
1266126600Uzelas, Mr JosoNAmale
1267126700Van Billiard, Mr Austin BlylerNAmale
1268126800Van Billiard, Master James WilliamNAmale
1269126900Van Billiard, Master Walter JohnNAmale
1270127000Van der Planke, Miss AugustaNAfemale
1271127100Van der Planke, Mr JulesNAmale
1272127200Van der Planke, Mrs JulesNAfemale
1273127300Van der Planke, Mr LeonNAmale
1274127400Van der Steen, Mr Leo PeterNAmale
1275127500Van de Velde, Mr John JosephNAmale
1276127600Vandewalle, Mr Nestor CyrielNAmale
1277127700Van Impe, Miss CatharineNAfemale
1278127800Van Impe, Mr Jean BaptisteNAmale
1279127900Van Impe, Mrs Jean BaptisteNAfemale
1280128001Vartunian, Mr DavidNAmale
1281128100Vassilios, Mr CatavelasNAmale
1282128200Vendel, Mr Olof WdvinNAmale
1283128300Vereruysse, Mr VictorNAmale
1284128400Vestrom, Miss Hulda Amanda AdolfinaNAfemale
1285128500Vonk, Mr JenkoNAmale
1286128600Ware, Mr FrederickNAmale
1287128700Warren, Mr Charles WilliamNAmale
1288128800Wazli, Mr YousifNAmale
1289128900Webber, Mr JamesNAmale
1290129001Wennerstrom, Mr August EdvardNAmale
1291129100Wenzel, Mr LinhartNAmale
1292129200Widegren, Mr Charles PeterNAmale
1293129300Wiklund, Mr Jacob AlfredNAmale
1294129401Wilkes, Mrs EllenNAfemale
1295129500Willer, Mr AaronNAmale
1296129600Willey, Mr EdwardNAmale
1297129700Williams, Mr Howard HughNAmale
1298129800Williams, Mr LeslieNAmale
1299129900Windelov, Mr EinarNAmale
1300130000Wirz, Mr AlbertNAmale
1301130100Wiseman, Mr PhillippeNAmale
1302130200Wittevrongel, Mr CamielNAmale
1303130301Yalsevac, Mr IvanNAmale
1304130400Yasbeck, Mr AntoniNAmale
1305130501Yasbeck, Mrs AntoniNAfemale
1306130600Youssef, Mr GeriosNAmale
1307130700Zabour, Miss HileniNAfemale
1308130800Zabour, Miss TaminiNAfemale
1309130900Zakarian, Mr ArtunNAmale
1310131000Zakarian, Mr MapriederNAmale
1311131100Zenn, Mr PhilipNAmale
1312131200Zievens, ReneNAfemale
1313131300Zimmerman, LeoNAmale
fit.survive<-glm(survived ~ sex + age +pclass,family= "binomial")
glm(formula = survived ~ sex + age + pclass, family = "binomial")

Deviance Residuals:
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-2.9784  -0.6520  -0.3142   0.5894   2.7022

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)  4.522163   0.471008   9.601  < 2e-16 *
sexmale     -3.086709   0.241063 -12.805  < 2e-16 *
age         -0.049309   0.008732  -5.647 1.63e-08 *
pclass2nd   -1.495229   0.281986  -5.302 1.14e-07 *
pclass3rd   -2.841271   0.338897  -8.384  < 2e-16 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘*’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 869.54  on 632  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 539.71  on 628  degrees of freedom
  (680 observations deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 549.71

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
fit.survive<-glm(survived ~ sex + age + pclass + sex:pclass + age:pclass,family= "binomial")
glm(formula = survived ~ sex + age + pclass + sex:pclass + age:pclass,
    family = "binomial")

Deviance Residuals:
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-3.0532  -0.6111  -0.3829   0.4168   2.5174

                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)        4.736466   0.756171   6.264 3.76e-10 *
sexmale           -3.685635   0.510927  -7.214 5.45e-13 *
age               -0.042485   0.013044  -3.257  0.00113 **
pclass2nd          0.232062   1.095137   0.212  0.83218
pclass3rd         -3.978596   0.888172  -4.480 7.48e-06 *
sexmale:pclass2nd -0.655681   0.735503  -0.891  0.37268
sexmale:pclass3rd  1.870332   0.631770   2.960  0.00307 **
age:pclass2nd     -0.049047   0.023427  -2.094  0.03629 *
age:pclass3rd      0.007216   0.021396   0.337  0.73593
Signif. codes:  0 ‘*’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 869.54  on 632  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 517.73  on 624  degrees of freedom
  (680 observations deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 535.73

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

Negative Binomial

When \(Y\) follows a negative binomial distribution, we model the mean as:

\[\mathbb{E}(Y|x) = exp(\alpha + \beta x)\]

What is the link function?

The following example is lifted from

dat <- read.dta("")
dat <- within(dat, {
    prog <- factor(prog, levels = 1:3, labels = c("General", "Academic", "Vocational"))
    id <- factor(id)

      id         gender         math          daysabs               prog
1001   :  1   female:160   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 0.000   General   : 40
1002   :  1   male  :154   1st Qu.:28.00   1st Qu.: 1.000   Academic  :167
1003   :  1                Median :48.00   Median : 4.000   Vocational:107
1004   :  1                Mean   :48.27   Mean   : 5.955
1005   :  1                3rd Qu.:70.00   3rd Qu.: 8.000
1006   :  1                Max.   :99.00   Max.   :35.000
ggplot(dat, aes(daysabs, fill = prog)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + facet_grid(prog ~
    ., margins = TRUE, scales = "free")
m1 <- glm.nb(daysabs ~ math + prog, data = dat)
glm.nb(formula = daysabs ~ math + prog, data = dat, init.theta = 1.032713156,
    link = log)

Deviance Residuals:
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-2.1547  -1.0192  -0.3694   0.2285   2.5273

                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)     2.615265   0.197460  13.245  < 2e-16 *
math           -0.005993   0.002505  -2.392   0.0167 *
progAcademic   -0.440760   0.182610  -2.414   0.0158 *
progVocational -1.278651   0.200720  -6.370 1.89e-10 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘*’ 0.001 ‘’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(1.0327) family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 427.54  on 313  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 358.52  on 310  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1741.3

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1

              Theta:  1.033
          Std. Err.:  0.106

 2 x log-likelihood:  -1731.258